Jim Collins: I can only speak through the lens of our research and my own experience and I'm hesitant to extend it to a culture that I know that I don't know. So, what I'll do, is try not to over extend and just share what I've seen here.
If I look at the people, the exceptional people that we've studied, one of things that's really interesting if you look back as they developed, their own trajectory. They have two signature behaviors I think that jump out as they develop.
One is, they actively try to seek being in the orbit of folks that they considered to be high quality people. So, they don't necessarily think in terms of what job would be the best job. They might think, who would I want to be associated with, so if there are certain kinds of companies, or certain types of enterprises where they just seem to have a lot of outstanding people, you begin associating with outstanding people, you're more likely to have good things happen, just because you're around outstanding people.
Jim Collins: And I like to tell young people here who are trying to decide what to do, which job, which company. And my response is, it's the wrong question, it's who. There may be this job, but it's got great "who's." And there might be this great job, but not necessarily the who's you want. Go for the who's, the people, when you’re starting out especially; they're going to have the greatest impact on you. My own experience, I was very, very, very lucky, because my first, I ran my own climbing school in college, it's how I paid for college in part, along with scholarships, whatever. But, my first kind of real job, outside of college, was McKinsey & Company and I already knew how to do analysis and I could do economic modeling and all that. That's not what I got out of McKinsey, what I got out of McKinsey was, Marvin Bower had built the firm. I went there in 1980 and it was still in its real development stages, he had built the firm on a set of values. And on the caliber of a person. And so all the people that I immediately was working with shaped my professional standards at age 22. I sometimes think, what would have happened if I would have went to work at 22 in a place that didn't have professional standards? Maybe I would have never gotten that kind of professional ethic that I got when I was 22. That was a great stroke of luck because I didn't know what I was doing, I was just taking the job. If I could go back and say, I want to replicate that luck, it would be, where are we going to find the best people, not necessarily where you're going to find the best job.
The second though is, results. I mean, you look at Darwin Smith, you look at Coleman Mockler, you look at Bill Allen, you look at all these people, they weren't giant successes when they started. It's just that everything they did, everything even when they just had one little thing, maybe not necessarily even in business, they were, I don't know, delivering newspapers. Everything they did when they got their hands on it, they made it the very, very best it could be. And they delivered results, they did what they said they were going to do, and they performed exceptionally well and the amazing thing, the flip side earlier we were talking about, companies are growing, they need great people. On the other hand you have young people saying how do I get started? So, there's the great question, how do you get those (two things) together? Well, sometimes it's, just start with anything with some people who you look up to, then just, I don't care what it is, do a fantastic job early, deliver exceptional results, they will speak. And it may take awhile but that is really the starting point.