日期:2011-04-25 13:47


  白羊座白羊座 ARIES & ARIES: Temper tantrums are quite likely to erupt into major wars with this combination. Remember only one party can win and neither one will accept defeat. Passionate but a lot of problems.


  白羊座金牛座 ARIES & TAURUS: The Bull has trouble with your free spirited attitude. With compromise it can work. A little bit dull for you at times however it can be a stabilizing experience for you.


  白羊座双子座ARIES & GEMINI: Wonderful alliance. This is an exciting encounter that can in fact last. Both you and Gemini are so spontaneous and full of life[3] that there is no time for either of you to become bored.


  白羊座巨蟹座 ARIES & CANCER: The Crab is far too sensitive and slow for your speedy and hot tempered nature. You will have difficulty listening to the Crab's nagging and negativity. This is really a poor match up right from day one.


  白羊座狮子座 AIRES & LEO: This is a most exhilarating combination. You both share the same likes and dislikes[4]. You are both always on the go[5], craving excitement, love and fun. This is truly a link made in heaven.


  白羊座处女座 ARIES & VIRGO: Your impulsiveness is just too much for the Virgoan. Virgo's practical, critical nature will drive you away rapidly.


  白羊座天秤座ARIES & LIBRA: Although opposites attract, the Scales are just a little too lazy to keep up with you. You on the other hand lack the sophistication required to keep a Libran happy.


  白羊座天蝎座 ARIES & SCORPIO: You are both ruled by the catalyst[6] Mars that makes this union hot and heavy. The possessive Scorpio will, however, does clash with your free spirited nature.


  白羊座射手座 ARIES & SAGITTARIUS: This can be a good and a lasting relationship. You are both fun-loving and quite oblivious to the faults that might drive most people crazy. This is an exciting and adventurous union.


  白羊座摩羯座ARIES & CAPRICORN: Finances are the biggest detriment in this connection. You can spend it as fast as the hard working Goat can make it that drives the frugal Capricorn insane.


  白羊座水瓶座 ARIES & AQUARIUS: This is not a bad connection. You are both inquisitive, however at times you may find it difficultto contemplate what the Water-bearer will do next.


  • dulladj. 呆滞的,迟钝的,无趣的,钝的,暗的 v. 变钝
  • spontaneousadj. 自发的,自然产生的
  • sensitiveadj. 敏感的,灵敏的,易受伤害的,感光的,善解人意的
  • combinationn. 结合,联合,联合体
  • eruptv. 爆发
  • obliviousadj. 没注意到,或不知道
  • drivesn. 驱动器;驱动力;驱动程序(drive的复数形式)
  • encountern. 意外的相见,遭遇 v. 遇到,偶然碰到,遭遇
  • lastingadj. 永久的,永恒的 动词last的现在分词
  • compromisen. 妥协,折衷,折衷案 vt. 妥协处理,危害 vi.