It may be a fairly ordinary task if you're doing it in your kitchen. But standing in the middle of the street on what was only her third official engagement, Kate Middleton could be forgiven for feeling a little shaky. On a surprise visit to Belfast, both Prince William and Kate attempted the difficult flip for a charity fundraiser to mark Shrove Tuesday - Pancake Day. William tossed his pancake with aplomb leaving Kate under pressure to perform.
The Royal couple are touring the UK ahead of the wedding in April and by the looks of things, there is little doubt that she is settling into her new role with confidence and ease. And for a refreshing change, Kate opted to wear an on-trend ?650 Burberry trench coat with skirt detailing, a notable contrast to the more formal attire we have seen over the last two weeks - swapping her flat boots for high-heel courts. Perhaps Kate, 29, has been taking note of the fashion critics who have called for the future Princess to adopt an edgier, younger look.
There have already been reports that Kate has decided to have her wedding dress designed by Alexander McQueen's avant-garde protegee Sarah Burton - a welcome choice in the fashion world. And although the rumours have been heavily denied, it seems Kate's slight but bold sartorial adjustment today is a statement that she intends to make conscious fashion decisions when it comes to her wardrobe.
关于凯特在婚礼中所选择的“嫁衣”一直是媒体们好奇、并想要探听的秘密,据悉,凯特有可能选择时尚大师“亚历山大·麦昆”的作品,而被亚历山大·麦昆器重的设计师莎拉·伯顿 (Sarah Burton)也是凯特的选择之一。也许对于凯特的嫁衣的猜测不到最后时候都不会公布,但是从今天在北爱的着装上可以看到,凯特还是有可能会选择“稳重”“端庄”的穿衣风格。