According to the News.ninemsn.com on February 9, a video posted on YouTube shows a US man has created a helmet capable of shaving a person's head in a matter of seconds.
据国外网站 "the News.ninemsn.com" 2月9日报道,YouTube网站一段视频显示,一位美国男子发明了一种可以理发的头盔,只需几十秒,就可以瞬间剃头。
The helmet device injects shaving cream and operates four razors simultaneously, and appears to provide a clean, tidy and safe haircut in 20 seconds.
"When you shave your head manually you move back and forth and laterally, which is what the helmet is doing right now, times four," said the inventor Boris.
At the end of the process, the volunteer in the video has a closely-cut shaved head with no sign of cuts or scratches.