For those keen to look after their health, sugar-free fizzy drinks may seem a wise choice.But they could actually increase the risk of having a heart attack or stroke, research shows.
A study of more than 2,500 people found those who had diet drinks every day were 61 per cent more likely to get vascular problems than those who did not have any carbonated drinks.
Researcher Hannah Gardener said: ‘If our results are confirmed with future studies, then it would suggest that diet soda may not be the optimal substitute for sugar-sweetened beverages for protection against vascular outcomes.’
The 2,564 participants had to state whether they drank diet fizzy drinks, regular fizzy drinks, a mixture of the two or none at all.Researchers said the survey did not include data on the types of diet and regular drinks consumed however, which could have given further information on how drinking different brands affected participants.
Dr Gardener, an epidemiologist at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, said further studies would have to be carried out to explore how consuming diet drinks potentially raised the risk of vascular problems.
Dr Sharlin Ahmed, from The Stroke Association, said: ‘According to this study, drinking diet fizzy drinks on a regular basis could pose the same or even higher risk for cardiovascular disease as standard fizzy drinks, providing a word of warning to those who often opt for diet versions in order to be “healthy”.
‘Everyone can reduce their risk of stroke by consuming a balanced diet, low in saturated fat and salt, and exercising regularly.’