Kate Bosworth — The Warrior's Way
Kate Bosworth as a cute surfer chick in a bikini? Hot. Kate Bosworth as a knife-wielding borderline psychopath circus performer with a mysterious blood-soaked past and a knack for hunting humans? Super hot. Yes, we have issues.
Carrie-Ann Moss — The Matrix trilogy
There’s a rumor that the Wachowski brothers only wrote The Matrix as an excuse to see Carrie-Ann Moss in a black rubber bodysuit. Okay, so that’s more of a theory than a rumor, but come on, the proof is right there. Who the hell tries to fight off a massive legion of indestructible robot overlords in a dominatrix outfit? And then the second movie happened and it was all so clear.
Rose McGowan — Grindhouse磨坊---罗斯.麦高恩
Her right leg is a gun. The rest of her is Rose McGowan. Enough said.
Michelle Rodriguez — Everything she has ever been in
Everything she has ever been in---米歇尔·罗德里格兹
Whether she’s shooting down space marines in a fancy space helicopter or wielding dual machine guns against a horde of coked-out Mexican drug runners, Michelle Rodriguez is always, without fail, that badass chick who fights things. And in no way do we mean that as a criticism of Michelle’s career. The woman is a trailblazer, for god’s sake. How many other actresses can boast an on-screen kill count rivaling that of Sylvester Stallone? Not many, fool. Not many at all.
Milla Jovovic — Resident Evil series
A revved-up, decked-out, tousle-haired zombie-killing super-woman with legs like two shapely splinters and a pair of eyes that will pierce your soul, knock you on your ass and make you cry like the worthless sack of love-struck human putty that you are. Case closed.