Good looking women are twice as likely to be turned down for a job interview than unattractive ones, claims a study. And female staff in HR departments jealous of potential rivals could be the reason why, researchers believe. But in men the reverse is true, and an ugly man would have to send twice as many CVs as a handsome counterpart to secure a response.
Although identical in content, one CV had no headshot, and the other a headshot of either an attractive or unattractive man or woman. They then analysed the numbers called back for an interview. Attractive males received a 19.9 per cent callback rate, almost 50 per cent higher than the 13.7 per cent response for plain men and more than twice the 9.2 per cent response to those with no photo.
But with women the reverse was true. Those with no photo had the highest call back rate, which was 22 per cent higher than plain women and 30 per cent higher than attractive women.
The researchers found that the discrimination against attractive women varied on who was hiring them. Following the experiment, they contacted the person at the company who screen the applications, and found that in 96 per cent of the case they were women.