St. Petersburg, Russia: A couple walk down a street after a snowfall
Seville, Spain: Andalusian horsemen wait with a horse before competing in a contest during the Salon Internacional del Caballo horse fair
Cap Haitien, Haiti: Antonio Joseph, a 30-year-old suffering cholera symptoms, lies at the side of a road。
海地,Cap Haitien: 安东尼奥.乔瑟夫,一个遭受着霍乱病症的三十岁男性那个倒在路边
Guangzhou, China: Competitiors in action during the Roller Sports Men's 10,000 metre race at the 16th Asian Games
Kowloon, Hong Kong, China: A construction site for the high speed railway linking Hong Kong to the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou
Krasnoyarsk, Russia: A contestant prepares backstage as she takes part in a professional all-Russian ballet contest
West Now Ruzi, Afghanistan: Afghans take water from a river as US soldiers provide security in Kandahar province
阿富汗,West Now Ruzi: 坎大哈省,阿富汗居民在被美国士兵保护的环境下从河里打水。
Montana, US: A herd of bison in the Bitterroot Valley are covered in snow following a blizzard