Google's August 29th logo celebrated Michael Jackson's birthday a couple of months after his death. The two Os in Google were replaced with two feet, en pointe, wearing patent leather shoes and shiny white socks below slightly-too-short trousers.
In 2009, Google marked the 40th anniversary of Sesame Street with a new 'doodle' featuring the programme's Cookie Monster. Users of Google in the UK, France and Canada were greeted with the hungry blue character's familiar 'googly eyes' in honour of the programme's four decades on air.
The UFOs in Google's logo were designed to mark the 143rd birthday of author HG Wells. Although Google regularly uses its doodles to mark significant events, anniversaries and notable dates, it usually does so explicitly. This was the first time Google has used a series of mysterious logos to build up to an event, although the search page today shows a new Google doodle to mark Wells'birthday which takes web users straight through to a list of web pages related to the author.
这个由UFO组成的logo是Google用来纪念科幻作家HG Wells(威尔斯)的143岁诞辰。Google在使用涂鸦来纪念重大事件,周年日的时候,通常会比较明确地表明出来。但这次,谷歌第一次用多个科幻神秘元素来纪念一个日子,而没有明确说明。不过这一天Google的搜索页面还是配上了一组威尔斯的搜索结果来暗示用户当天是他的生日。
Google's Doodle for world cup 2010 final with the 3 most important elements of that day: Spain, Netherlands and Octopus Paul.
This doodle that appeared online in Sept 2010 was meant to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Flintstones.
On Friday, October 8, 2010, to mark what would have been the day before the 70th birthday of John Lennon, a 32-second "Video doodle" appeared on the google homepage. The "E" of google was shaped like a play button. The video was a simple animation that was accompanied by Lennon's song "Imagine".
20th anniversary of the Wallace and Gromit Characters.
英国卡通《Wallace and Gromit(酷狗宝贝)》20周年时,Google推出了这一款纪念logo。
Google unveiled this logo to celebrate the 400th anniversary since Galileo Galilei, the Italian astronomer, showed Venetian merchants his new creation, a telescope.
On March 2010, the Pi Day, 3.14 was celebrated by math nerds and Google, worldwide. Having been conspicuously missing from Google's ever-growing repertoire of special-event doodles for years, Google finally relented and unleashed its inner nerd, not that it tried to hide it too hard in the past. And, perhaps to make up for all the years it skipped, Google went all out this time and showed off six common uses of the famous number. The Pi Day Google logo starts off with the formula everyone knows (?) for the area of a circle A = πr2, but goes on with some more advanced stuff. The two 'os' in Google are used to represent the sin(x) function over a 2π period.
On Friday, 21 May 2010, on the 30th anniversary of the arcade game Pac-Man, Google unveiled worldwide their first interactive logo.
Anyone who visited Google could play Pac-Man on the logo, which featured the letters of the word 'Google' on the Pac-Man maze. The logo also mimicked the sounds the original arcade game made.
The "I'm Feeling Lucky" button was replaced with an "Insert Coin" button. Pressing this once enabled you to play the Pac-Man logo. Pressing it once more added a second player, Ms. Pac-Man, enabling 2 players to play at once, controlled using the W,A,S,D keys, instead of the arrows as used by Player 1. Pressing it for a third time performed an "I'm Feeling Lucky" search.
It was then removed on Sunday, May 23, 2010, initially replacing Pac-Man with the normal logo. Later on that day, Google released a permanent Google Pac-Man site, due to the popular user demand for the playable logo.