全球最美丽的大学校园 清华位列其中 (下篇 )
日期:2010-09-25 11:40


United States Air Force Academy
Colorado Springs, Colo.

Kevin Lippert, publisher of the Princeton Architectural Press, known for its Campus Guide series, picked this campus because it is "a masterpiece of mid-20th-century American Modernism, rather than something in the traditional Collegiate Gothic or Oxford style." He adds: "Many of the buildings are clad in aluminum, suggesting the skin of airplanes, and the Cadet's Chapel there is often called one of the most beautiful buildings in America, collegiate or otherwise." The multidenominational chapel, pictured, was designed so that different religious services can be held simultaneously without interference.
Courtesy of The United States Air Force Academy


普林斯顿建筑出版社的出版商凯文·利珀特(Kevin Lippert)选择了美国空军学院,这个出版社可是以发布大学指南系列而闻名于世。选择这所学校的理由很简单,因为它是“20世纪中期美国现代主义的经典作品,与传统的学院哥特式或牛津风格毫无关联。”他还补充说道:“很多建筑的外表都覆盖了一层铝合金材质,让人不禁联想到飞机,尤其是它的地标性建筑,军校生礼拜堂(Cadet Chapel),无论是从学院派,抑或是其它建筑风格考量,都可谓是全美国最美丽的建筑之一。”此外,这座多宗派教堂(如图所示)的设计宗旨,是为了让不同的教派活动得以在互不干扰的情况下同时进行。

University of Bologna
Bologna, Italy

Arguably the oldest university in the Western world, the University of Bologna's actual "campus" is the city of Bologna itself, says David Meyerick, who teaches at Notre Dame's School of Architecture, and is currently designing a campus in Switzerland. "What the university lacks in personal identity, it makes up for in being inextricably tied to its environment," says Meyerick. Many European universities tend to be "embedded" in their home/host cities, which can be "a great advantage when the environment is an important, beautiful city whose origins date back well before the Roman Empire."


勿庸质疑,这可是西方世界里最古老的大学。实际上,博洛尼亚大学的校园就是博洛尼亚市本身。任教于美国圣母大学(Notre Dame)建筑学院的David Meyerick教授,目前正在瑞士参与一所大学的设计工作,他在谈到博洛尼亚大学时表示:“就个性化而言,这个学校略微有点儿面目模糊,不过,它与外部环境的密不可分弥补了这方面的缺憾。”欧洲的许多大学都是如此,与它们所在的城市水乳交融。“所以,周遭环境是一座举足轻重,美丽异常的城市(其根源甚至可追溯到罗马帝国之前),这也算是一个很大的优势。”

University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, Calif.

Housed on a former ranch perched above the Pacific, the UCSC campus offers open meadows, redwood forests and panoramic ocean views. Architect Natalie Shivers says the California campus' buildings and "circulation networks" for both cars and pedestrians "are carefully designed and tucked into the natural landscape" to preserve both the environment and the vistas. It's no wonder students like to study outdoors and that the campus has created 100 points of wireless access throughout the grounds.


这所学校的前身是一座美丽的牧场,面朝太平洋。UCSC校园拥有无数开放式草地,红树林和360度无敌海景。建筑设计师Natalie Shivers表示,为了保护环境和自然景观,校园内的建筑以及服务于行人车辆的交通网络,都经过精心设计,与自然景观完美地融合。也难怪这里的学生都爱上了户外学习,校方甚至在校园的各个角落安装了100个无线网络连接入口。

University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, Ohio

Architecture students at UC (established in 1870) need only step outside the classroom to observe some of the more cunning modern architecture of their day. Kevin Lippert, publisher of the Princeton Architectural Press, says the school has positioned itself for the 21st century with a wholly renovated campus. Its master plan showcases major architectural works by Michael Graves, Peter Eisenman and Frank Gehry, among others.


辛辛那提大学创建于1870年,该校建筑系学生只需步出课堂,便可观察到当今时代最为巧夺天工的现代建筑,普林斯顿建筑出版社的出版商Kevin Lippert表示,这所学校经过全面翻修,将自己定位成21世纪的新式校园,如今它已面目一新。其总体规划很好地展示了Michael Graves, Peter Eisenman和Frank Gehry等建筑大师的辉煌作品。

University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Va.

Thomas Jefferson said his proudest achievement was creating this campus in 1819. Jefferson believed that real learning could only happen in an academical village" setting, and toward that end, he designed the campus around an posing rotunda with a great lawn at its feet and 10 neo-classical pavilions (classrooms) lining the green. Professors' quarters were directly above the classrooms, so that discussions--and learning--could happen organically and freely. The Lawn is considered one of the great architectural achievements of the 19th century, symbolizing the harmony between professor and student and university and landscape. Today the university also features major architectural works by McKim, Mead & White, Michael Graves and Billie Tsien.


托马斯杰斐逊曾说过,他最为自豪的成就便是在1819年创建了这所学校。杰斐逊认为,真正的学习只可能在“学术村”氛围中发生。以这个前提为主旨,他完成了整个设计。校园中央是气势恢宏的圆顶大礼堂,礼堂脚下是一片开阔的草坪,两侧还有10个新古典主义风格的帐篷式的建筑(作为教室)。教授们的宿舍就建在这些教室上方,使得师生间的探讨交流更加随意身形。草坪这一带的建筑也成为19世纪的经典之作,象征着师生之间,以及学校与景物之间的融洽关系。而现在,我们也可在校园内观赏到现代建筑大师,如McKim, Mead & White, Michael Graves 以及华裔建筑师钱以佳(Billie Tsien)的传世之作。

Wellesley College
Wellesley, Mass.

Designed by Frederick Law Olmsted Jr., this serene liberal arts college for women, on the edge of Lake Waban near Boston, is considered the crowning jewel of the prestigious "Seven Sisters" campuses. Architect Natalie Shivers says both "the historic and contemporary have always been beautifully integrated with the natural topography." And a recent master plan only reaffirms "the key role the natural landscape plays in the character of the campus." To wit: Paramecium Pond, (pictured) edging a rich, botanical garden through which travels a stream fed by nearby waterfall.


由奥姆斯特德(Frederick Law Olmsted Jr.)设计的这所女子学院,袖珍而宁静,坐落于波士顿近郊的慰冰湖(Lake Waban)畔,它还被认为是久负盛名之“七姐妹”校园中,那颗最为璀璨的明珠。建筑师Natalie Shivers表示:“不管是古老建筑,还是当代建筑,都巧妙地与自然地形相融,美不胜收。”学院最新的总体规划再次重申了“在塑造大学的特性方面,自然景观发挥着举足轻重的作用”。比如说,草履虫池(如图所示)通过蜿蜒的小溪与一个物种丰富的植物园紧紧相连,小溪的水流量则源自附近的瀑布。

Yale University
New Haven, Conn.
From a purely architectural standpoint, "Yale University has more show-stoppers than all the campuses on the list," says architect Shivers, even if the mix is less cohesive than others in the League, like Princeton and Harvard. Some of these more iconic buildings include Ingalls Rink by Eero Saarinen, the Art and Architecture Building by Paul Rudolph, and Louis Kahn's Art Gallery and British Art Center. Many other Gothic and Colonial Revival structures have delightful quirks and surprises.

Landscaped spaces--quadrangles, courtyards between buildings, plazas--abound, offering lots of "getaways" for a decidedly urban campus.


纯粹从建筑学角度来考量,“耶鲁大学与这份名单上的其它全部学校相比,都拥有更多值得驻足观看的地方,”建造师Shivers这样说道,尽管耶鲁校园的整体性较其他常春藤联校还是要略逊一筹,比如普林斯顿大学和哈佛大学。它的标志性建筑包括Eero Saarinen设计的英格斯溜冰场(Ingalls Rink),Paul Rudolph设计的艺术与建筑大楼,以及Louis Kahn设计的艺术画廊和英国艺术中心。此外,林林总总哥特式和殖民复兴风格(Colonial Revival)的建筑都带有一种颇为讨喜的怪诞感,令人啧啧称奇。所有地面景致,包括分布在各个角落的四合院、楼与楼之间的庭院,和广场,为这座城市校园提供了颇多“逍遥游”场所。

  • chapeln. 小礼拜堂,礼拜仪式,私人祈祷处,唱诗班,印刷厂工会
  • prestigiousadj. 享有声望的,声望很高的
  • cohesiveadj. 粘性的(有结合性的,有粘聚性的)
  • galleryn. 美术馆,画廊,顶层楼座,狭长的房间
  • settingn. 安装,放置,周围,环境,(为诗等谱写的)乐曲 动词
  • observev. 观察,遵守,注意到 v. 评论,庆祝
  • establishedadj. 已被确认的,确定的,建立的,制定的 动词est
  • pondn. 池塘 v. 筑成池塘
  • masterpiecen. 杰作
  • academyn. 学院,学术,学会