第一名:迈克杰克逊(Michael Jackson)
Michael Jackson started performing at a very early age and was initially a part of a group managed by his father called “The Jackson Five”. As his popularity grew at a startling rate, Jackson was featured in tabloids almost every other day and came to be known as “Whacko Jacko”. He died in 2009 and it is safe to say that he will never be forgotten.
Michael Jackson很小就开始表演生涯,一开始他加入到一个由他父亲管理的名叫“The Jackson Five”的团队中。之后他就疯狂的流行开来。Jackson每天都可以上报纸的头条,并被称为“Whacko Jacko”(最好的杰克?)。他与2009年死去,毫无疑问他将永远被人铭记。
第二名 艾尔维斯·普莱斯利(Elvis Presley)
Elvis Presley became a musical sensation after his single was aired on the radio. This King of Rock and Roll was a mere shadow of his former self when he died in 1977 after a drug overdose.
Elvis Presley在他的单曲被无线电波广播之后轰动世界。这位摇滚天王一直活在以前的自己的阴影中,并由于吸毒过量与1977年死去。
第三名 玛丽莲梦露(Marilyn Monroe)
Marilyn Monroe became an icon for sexuality and movies like ‘Some Like it Hot’ only enhanced this belief. She was linked with the Kennedy brothers and her life spiraled out of control after several miscarriages. Nobody is quite sure about how she died but it has been termed as suicide.
Marilyn Monroe是性感的代名词,电影《热情如火》更是巩固了人们的这种看法。她曾和肯尼迪兄弟扯上关系,她的生命在几次流产之后完全失去了控制。没有一个人清楚的知道她到底因何而死,但官方的说法是自杀。
第四名 小甜甜布莱尼斯皮尔斯(Britney Spears)
Even though Britney Spears is alive and kicking, she deserves a mention in this list of the biggest Hollywood tragedies. She released her first album at 16 which took the world by storm and made her a superstar overnight. Her squeaky clean image was wiped out when she got married to Kevin Federline. She lost control soon after and will always be remembered for beating up a minivan with an umbrella, shaving her head and getting multiple tattoos under the influence of alcohol.
尽管Britney Spears仍活的好好的还在尽力重回人们的视线,她仍应该被这个榜单所包含。她在16岁时发布了她的第一张唱片,并迅速在全球挂起一阵飓风,她一夜成名。她清纯可人的造型自她与Kevin Federline结婚之后就变得一塌糊涂。至此之后她的生活失去了控制,人们应该还记得他用伞敲打小货车,在酒精的作用下疯狂摇头一口气抽很多只雪茄的样子吧。
第五名: 科特·柯本(Kurt Cobain)
Kurt Cobain had a very hard childhood and became a part of Nirvana at an early age. Things spiraled out of control when the singer got addicted to heroin. Cobain shot himself in 1994 and ended his successful career.
Kurt Cobain经历一个异常艰苦的童年,并在很小的时候成了Nirvana的一员。但是当他吸食海洛因上瘾之后事情变得一副不可收拾。Cobain在1994饮弹自尽结束了他光辉的生涯。
第六名:瑞凡·菲尼克斯(River Phoenix)
River Phoenix was raised by The Children of God Cult who believe that it is perfectly normal for adults to indulge in sexual activities with children. Phoenix was a part of movies like Stand by Me and The Mosquito Coast- making it easy or his parents to sustain themselves financially. River soon became addicted to cocaine and heroin and died at 23.
Children of God Cult被一个“上帝的孩子”信徒所抚养长大,而这个人相信成人与儿童沉迷于性事是意见很正常的事情。Phoenix出演了电影《伴我同行》和《蚊子海岸》,这让他和他的家人在财政上能很轻松的生存。但是River迅速沉迷于可卡因和海洛因并与23岁逝去。
第七名:希斯·莱吉(Health Ledger)
Heath Ledger started off small and was started to get recognized when he died unexpectedly in 2008. This actor had immense talent and would have definitely gone on to become one of the best in the industry.
Health Ledger很小就开始演戏,而直到2008年突然死亡之后才被人们所熟知。这名演员有着巨大的潜力一定可以成为这个行业最优秀的一员。
第八名:鲍勃克瑞(Bob Crane)
Bob Crane is best known for his role in the Donna Reed Show. He befriended John Carpenter, a photographer and together they indulged in sexual activities with strange women and filmed the encounters. After he decided to walk away from Carpenter, he was found dead in his apartment.
Bob Crane 最出色的表演是在《唐娜里德秀》中。他认识摄影师John Carpenter之后一起沉迷于与陌生女人的性活动,当他决定要离开的时候,他被发现死在他的公寓中了。
第九名:朱迪.嘉兰(Judy Garland)
Judy came from a musical family and MGM signed her when she was a teenager. This company has to be given credit for her ultimate annihilation. The in-house doctors at the studio filled her up with pills as they wanted her to slim down. All this and more caused her to abuse drugs and lose herself in debt. She tried to kill herself several times and died at 47 after a drug overdose.
第十名:简·曼斯菲尔德(Jayne Mansfield)
Jayne Mansfield was not only gorgeous, but also had an extremely high I.Q. She was very popular during the 1950s but before 1960 could come around, she had no choice but to accept roles in small-scale films. She died in 1967 after a car accident caused a part of her scalp to get sliced off.