“Savor the flavor.”
When I arrived at college, I was pretty sure the food would be fantastic. I was like, “Oh boy! Eating pizza everyday like in the movies is going to be great! And I’ll get to eat good food all the time, yadda yadda yadda”. Oh, how naive I was. At first, the college dining halls seem like a dream. The first day the utensils seemingly sparkle, the food tastes delicious and you feel like you don’t ever want to leave. Then two months into the semester, you begin to wonder why everything tastes so bad. In all honesty, more of the same can get to be just that; more of the same. Now, now hope is not lost. You and your friends still have the option of going out to eat at restaurants. Yes, it does cost extra money, but if you’re willing to shell out the cash to have good food and a good time it’s well worth it. Here are a few tips to break out of the dining halls and into the awesome diners in your college town.
Pick Somewhere Cheap
Seeing as we’re all college students, saving money is definitely a must. Pick a place that won’t put too much of a dent into your savings. Eating at the dining halls is already paid for, so don’t add insult to injury by buying a steak every time you go to a restaurant. Trust me, a cheap price doesn’t always equate to a cheap-tasting meal. It’ll also feel better in the long run when you have money to buy that ticket to your friend’s play or to do laundry.
Build Rapport with the Staff
If you want to start a sort of reputation at the restaurant, its pretty much required to build rapport with the staff. Now, I haven’t got any discounts yet, but it doesn’t hurt to be on good terms with the management. Who knows? A good tip and conversation now and again could provide you with a better table and faster service. And even if you don’t get any of these things, its never a bad thing to have the management know who you are when you take your friends out to eat.
Try More Than One Restaurant
Don’t forget to vary things up a bit from time to time. You don’t want to fall in the same trap you got caught in while going to the dining halls. Pick and choose the best restaurants that are worthy of your well-earned cash. It’s like trying on a new shirt or buying a new car. You don’t look at just one item. Despite having been to some pretty average restaurants that wouldn’t much deter me from eating at the regular dining hall, it doesn’t stop me from going out and trying new things.
It takes effort to go out and find a new place to eat. There are times when you’ll want to stick to the dining halls and suffer through the half-baked dishes that the lunch ladies serve. But if you’re like me and don’t want to eat droopy pizza, wet salad, and bad sushi, go out and make a change.