Deep inside your closet hangs an old friend: your favorite jeans. The ones you once lived in that you haven’t worn in ages because it’s too much eff ort to stuff yourself inside them. The following workout is designed to fi rm your butt, tone your thighs, tighten your core, and zap your love handles1. In short, you’ll pare2 down the problem spots that are coming between you and your much-loved denim.
Half-Seated Leg Circle
Sit on the floor with your legs fully extended, leaning back on your elbows, your ngers cupping3 the sides of your hips. Keeping your lower back pressed into the fl oor, engage your core and lift your legs about 45 degrees. Point your toes, press your thighs together, and trace 12 large clockwise circles, then 12 counterclockwise circles.
双腿完全伸展坐在地上,向后倚,以肘部支撑,手指屈拢成杯状放在臀部两侧。下背部紧贴地面,锻炼核心肌群, 双腿抬起约45 度。脚趾绷直, 大腿紧靠在一起,顺时针画 12 个大圆圈,然后再逆时针画12 个圆圈。
Alternate-Leg Dead Lift
Hold a 5- to 15-pound dumbbell in each hand and stand on your right leg, lifting your left leg a few inches behind you. Keeping your back straight, lean forward from your hips until your body is almost parallel to the oor, the weights in line with your shoulders. Return to start, do 12, then switch legs.
每只手握一个5 到15 磅重的哑铃,右腿站立,左腿抬起向后伸几英寸。背部挺直,臀部到上身前倾,直到身体几乎与地面平行、哑铃与双肩平行。回到起始动作,做12 次,然后换腿。
Lateral Shuffle
Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart and turned out 45 degrees. Bend into a squat with your knees over your ankles. Step out with your left foot, keeping your knees bent in the squat position. Take a step with your right foot to return to start. Continue walking sideways, taking 10 steps to the leftand then 10 to the right.
双脚比臀部略宽呈45 度角站立。身体弯曲成下蹲姿势,膝盖越过踝关节。左脚向左迈出,保持双膝弯曲成下蹲姿势。右脚随之迈一步回到起始动作。继续侧身向一边走,向左走10 步,然后再向右走10 步。
Good Morning Bend
Stand with your feet shoulderwidth apart and hold a pair of 5- to 15-pound dumbbells at your shoulders, palms facing forward. Keeping your knees slightly bent and your torso straight, slowly bend from your hips until your upper body is parallel to the oor. Hold for 5 seconds and return to start. Repeat 8 to 10 times.
双脚与肩膀同宽站立,举一对5 到15 磅重的哑铃,放在肩膀处,手掌向前。双膝稍微弯曲,躯干挺直,自臀部以上慢慢弯曲直至上半身与地面平行。保持5 秒钟,然后回到起始动作。重复做这个动作8 到10 次。
Stability Lunge
Stand with your feet shoulderwidth apart and your arms at your sides. Lift your right knee until your thigh is parallel to the floor and raise your arms overhead, palms facing in. Hold for 5 seconds, then slowly drop your right foot into a front lunge. Bring your left leg forward and return to standing. Repeat 10 to 12 times on each leg.
双脚与肩膀同宽站立,双臂放在身体两侧。抬高右膝,直到大腿与地面平行,双臂举过头顶,手心相对。保持这个动作5 秒钟,然后慢慢地放下右脚,成前弓步姿势。左腿向前迈,回到站立姿势。每只腿重复做这个动作10 到 12 次。
Single-Leg Plank
Get on the oor and prop4 yourself up with your toes exed underneath you andyour elbows under your shoulders, shoulder blades back and down. Your body should form a straight line. Brace your abs and lift your right leg up about 10 inches. Balance your body weight on your forearms and the stabilizing leg. Hold for up to 60 seconds. Switch legs and repeat on the other side.
趴在地上,脚趾向上翘,手肘放在肩膀下面,以脚底和肘撑地,肩胛骨向后、向下伸展。你的身体应该成一条直线。腹部绷紧,右腿向上抬起约10 英寸。利用前臂和不动的那只腿来保持身体平衡。保持这个动作60 秒。换另一只腿重复做这个动作。
Skater’s Step-UpHold a pair of 5- to 15-pound dumbbells at hip level and stand facing a step with your right foot planted on the step. Leaning your chest forward slightly, lunge backward with your left leg, bending your right knee 90 degrees. From that position, bring your left foot up to meet the right on the step; squat and hold for2 seconds. Repeat 10 to 12 times on each leg.
举一对5 到15 磅重的哑铃,与臀部同高,站在一个台阶前,右脚放在台阶上。胸部稍微向前倾斜,左腿向后成弓步,右膝弯曲90 度。左脚抬起与右脚并拢站在台阶上。下蹲并保持两秒钟。每只腿重复做这个动作10 到12 次。
Prone Hip Extension
Lie facedown over a bench with your legs hanging o the edge. Engage your abs and lift both legs until your body forms a straight line. Hold for 5 seconds, then lower slowly. Repeat 10 to 15 times.
面朝下卧在一个长凳上,双腿悬在长凳外。运动腹肌,将双腿抬起直到你的身体形成一条直线。保持这个动作 5 秒钟,然后慢慢地放下来。重复这个动作10 到15 次。