Is it possible to permanently change your memories? A group of scientists think so. And their new techniques for altering memories are raising possibilities of one day treating people who suffer from phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder and other anxiety-related conditions.
Some researchers are working with combat veterans, car-accident survivors and rape victims to replace their memories with less fear-filled ones using a familiar hypertension drug. Other scientists are studying whether behavioral therapy can one day be used to modify memories of people who react with fear to common anxiety-producing events. A person bitten by a dog as a child, for instance, might be able to overcome a canine phobia if the old memory can be replaced with a less scary one.
The goal of the research isn't to erase memory outright, as depicted in popular movies over the years. That would raise ethical issues and questions of what would happen to associated memories, scientists say. Instead, 'reducing or eliminating the fear accompanying the memory . . . that would be the ideal scenario,' says Roger Pitman, a psychiatry professor at Harvard Medical School who has done extensive work in this area.
这项研究的目的不是像近年很多热门电影里描述的那样直接将不好的记忆消除。科学家们表示,这样做会引发论理上的争议,而且相关记忆会发生怎样的变化也尚不明确。哈佛医学院精神病学教授罗杰•皮特曼(Roger Pitman)在这一领域开展过广泛的研究,他表示,其实,“弱化甚而消除伴随着这一记忆的那种恐惧感……会是理想的解决之道。”
The latest research is based on a radical rethinking of how memories are stored in the brain. Scientists used to believe memories are like snapshots on which the details are fixed once they're recorded. Now, many experts accept the view that memories are stored like individual files on a shelf; each time they are pulled down for viewing, they can be altered before being put back into storage. Altering a memory during the time it is off the shelf can create an updated memory that can be saved in place of the old one, scientists believe.
Sometimes a traumatic incident can trigger an enduring response of fear whenever the incident is recalled, even indirectly. A car backfiring, for instance, can set off an emotional response in a combat veteran if the loud noise becomes associated in his mind with a wartime experience.
A common therapy currently for trauma and phobias is called exposure treatment. It involves repetitive exposure in a nonthreatening way to help patients confront their fears and gradually weaken the fear response, a process known as extinction. But with extinction, the fearful memories don't disappear or get altered, and relapse is common, says Edna Foa, an expert on post-traumatic stress disorder at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. If extinction could be enhanced, that could mean more efficient treatment with less relapse, she says.
暴露疗法是目前很普遍的一种治疗精神创伤及恐惧症的方法。具体做法是,以不会产生伤害的方式让患者多次暴露于引起恐惧的刺激,让他们直面自己的恐惧,从而循序渐进地弱化他们的恐惧反应,这一过程被称为“恐惧记忆退化”。宾夕法尼亚大学医学院创伤后心理紊乱研究专家弗阿(Edna Foa)说,其实,在恐惧记忆消除过程中,可怕的记忆并没有完全消失或者改变,经常会有复发的情况。她说,如果恐惧记忆消除得到强化,那么治疗就会更有效,复发情况就会减少。
Researchers are hoping new techniques will weaken the fear response for a longer period, or perhaps permanently. The trick, they say, is to administer the treatment after the original memory has been retrieved from storage so the updated memory will be saved. One way of doing this is to have the subject write a detailed account of the original incident and reread it at the start of each treatment session.