Seven principles for changing your perception
Simplicity or elimination of clutter. Things are expressed in a plain, simple, natural manner. Reminds us to think not in terms of decoration but in terms of clarity, a kind of clarity that may be achieved through omission or exclusion of the non-essential.
簡素(朴素) 简化或消除杂乱。事物总是以一种平凡、简单、子让的方式来呈现。提醒我们应该用清晰性思考,而不是用装饰性思考,这种清晰是一种通过省略和排除没有必要事物来实现的。
Asymmetry or irregularity. The idea of controlling balance in a composition via irregularity and asymmetry is a central tenet of the Zen aesthetic. The enso ("Zen circle") in brush painting, for example, is often drawn as an incomplete circle, symbolizing the imperfection that is part of existence. In graphic design too asymmetrical balance is a dynamic, beautiful thing. Try looking for (or creating) beauty in balanced asymmetry. Nature itself is full of beauty and harmonious relationships that are asymmetrical yet balanced. This is a dynamic beauty that attracts and engages.
不均整(不对称) 不对称或不规则。通过不规则和不对称来控制组合的平衡,是禅宗美学的中心思想。举个例子,书法中的enso(禅圆)经常被画成一个不完整的圆,象征着生活中部分的缺陷。不对称的平衡的图形设计是一种动态的、美丽的。要试着去寻找不对称的美。自然本身充满的美和和谐就是不对称的平衡着。这就是吸引人的动态美。
Beautiful by being understated, or by being precisely what it was meant to be and not elaborated upon. Direct and simple way, without being flashy. Elegant simplicity, articulate brevity. The term is sometimes used today to describe something cool but beautifully minimalist, including technology and some consumer products. (Shibui literally means bitter tasting).
渋味(含蓄收敛) 美丽只能意会,而不能言传的。简单直接,不华丽。优雅的质朴,明确表达的简洁。这个词现在有时候用来描述酷但精美简约的东西,包括科技和一些消费产品。
Naturalness. Absence of pretense or artificiality, full creative intent unforced. Ironically, the spontaneous nature of the Japanese garden that the viewer perceives is not accidental. This is a reminder that design is not an accident, even when we are trying to create a natural-feeling environment. It is not a raw nature as such but one with more purpose and intention.
自然(本性) 自然天成。 没有虚伪做作,充满无限的创造意图。具有讽刺意味的是,日本园艺中的这种被人感知的自然本性不是一个偶然。这是一个提示,设计并不是偶然,甚至当我们尝试着去创造一个有自然感觉的环境时。这不是一个原始的本性,而是拥有更多目的和意图。
Profundity or suggestion rather than revelation. A Japanese garden, for example, can be said to be a collection of subtleties and symbolic elements. Photographers and designers can surely think of many ways to visually imply more by not showing the whole, that is, showing more by showing less.
神秘(幽玄) 解决或处理问题的深刻性而不是启示。比如说,一个日式花园会被认识是一个微妙和象征元素的集合。摄影师和设计师一定能想到很多的不展示整体的视觉的暗示,也就是通过展示小部分来显示更多。
Freedom from habit or formula. Escape from daily routine or the ordinary. Unworldly. Transcending the conventional. This principles describes the feeling of surprise and a bit of amazement when one realizes they can have freedom from the conventional. Professor Tierney says that the Japanese garden itself, "...made with the raw materials of nature and its success in revealing the essence of natural things to us is an ultimate surprise. Many surprises await at almost every turn in a Japanese Garden."
脱俗(脱俗) 解脱于习惯或公式定律,远离日常的琐事和寻常事,超凡脱俗。这个理念描述了一种当有人意识到他们可以从常规中解脱时的感受到的惊讶和一点点的惊奇的感觉。Tierney教授说过日本园艺本身,“用原始的自然材料来建造,向我们解释了自热的本质的成功是一个最终的惊喜。很多惊奇都等在日本园艺的每一个拐角处待人来发现。”
Tranquility or an energized calm (quite), stillness, solitude. This is related to the feeling you may have when in a Japanese garden. The opposite feeling to one expressed by seijaku would be noise and disturbance. How might we bring a feeling of "active calm" and stillness to ephemeral designs outside the Zen arts?
静(静寂) 安宁或一个充满活力的冷静(相当),静寂,孤独。这是当你的一个日式花园中所感受的。和静表达出来的感觉相反的将是嘈杂和烦扰。怎么样能使我们将这种“活跃的冷静”和静寂的感觉来运用在禅宗艺术外的设计呢?