Exercise 30 minutes every day. Especially if you don’t do much movement while working, it’s essential that you get some daily exercise. 30 minutes every day are the minimum recommended for optimal health.
1 每天锻炼三十分钟。特别是当你的工作不需要做太多运动时,每天运动将非常有必要。30分钟的锻炼是保持身体最佳健康状态的最低要求。
Eat breakfast every day. Breakfast is the more important meal of the day, yet so many people skip it. Personally, I like to eat a couple of toasts in the morning along with a fruit beverage.
2 坚持每天吃早餐。早餐是一天当中非常重要的一餐,但往往被很多人所忽略。对我个人来说,我早上喜欢吃两个烤面包外加一瓶果汁。
Sleep 8 hours. Sleep deprivation is never a good idea. You may think that you are gaining time by sleeping less, when in reality you are only gaining stress and tiredness. 8 hours are a good number of hours for most people, along with an optional 20 minutes nap after lunch.
3 每天睡足八小时。牺牲睡眠并非好计策。也许你曾认为为赶时间牺牲点睡眠不算什么,但实际上睡眠不足令你精神紧张并且疲乏无力。对大多数人来说八个小时是已经足够了的,不过要是午饭后能有二十多分钟时间来打个盹,那就更好啦。
Avoid snacking between meals. Snacking between meals is the best way to gain weight. If you are hungry, eat something concrete. Otherwise don’t.
4 忌以零食充饥。吃零食很容易使人发胖。要是真是饿的慌,那就挑些固体食物吧,否则,宁可不要。
Eat five portions of fruits and vegetables every day. Our body and brain loves getting vegetables and fruit, so I highly recommend eating as much of them as possible. Five portions is the dose that’s usually recommended by many health associations.
5 每天至少吃五种水果蔬菜。我们的身体和大脑喜欢吸收水果和蔬菜的营养,我极力建议你吃得越多越好。5种是一些营养协会通常所建议的适合数量。
Eat fish. Fish is rich of omega 3 and other healthy elements. At least one meal per week of fish should be enough for getting all these nutrients.
6 多吃鱼。鱼类食品富含欧美加 3(为一组多元不饱和脂肪酸,对人体健康十分有益。 译者注)和很多其他人体健康所需的元素。每周至少吃一次鱼能够为人体提供所需的这些营养。
Drink one glass of water when you wake up. When you wake up, your body is dehydrated and needs liquid. Make the habit of drinking one glass of water after you wake up in the morning. Also, drink more during the day.
7 起床后饮一杯水。当你醒来后,身体处于缺水状态,这时应该补充水分。养成每天起床后饮一杯水的习惯。当然,白天里还要喝更多。
Avoid soda. Soda is often one of the most unhealthy beverage you can find. Limit your consumption of soda as much as possible and you’re body will be grateful for that.
8 忌饮汽水。汽水是日常所见对健康最无益饮料。尽量少喝汽水那么你身体就对你感激不尽了。
Keep your body clean. I don’t advise spending your day in front of the mirror, but a minimum of personal care does never hurt.
9 保持身体干净整齐。我可不是在建议你整天对镜自照哦,不过适度关心个人形象总是无伤大雅的吧。
If you smoke, stop it. There’s no reason to smoke anymore, and quitting is easy.
10 要是你吸烟,赶紧戒吧。没有任何理由说吸烟有益健康,相信自己,戒掉是很容易的。
If you drink, stop it. Same as above. Don’t think that alcohol will solve your problems. It never does. The only exception is one glass of wine per day during meals.
11 要是你酗酒,那也赶紧戒吧。就如上面所说。指望酒精能解决问题,做梦吧!吃饭时候来一杯,那无所谓啦。
Take the stairs. This is just a hack that forces you to do a minimum of exercise. Instead of taking the elevator, take the stairs.
12 多爬楼梯。这只是强迫你每天做起码锻炼的修改方案而已。与其坐电梯,不如改为爬楼梯吧。
Use an inbox system. Make the habit of keeping track of all the ideas and things that comes to mind. You can use a notebook to do this, and then sync everything on your computer.
13 多使用邮箱记事。多记录你想过的点子或者事情,可以用个本子来做记录,然后很快的将它们输入你电脑。
Prioritize. If you have a list of things to do, where do you start? One way is to prioritize your list. If you are in doubt, ask yourself: “If I could only accomplish one thing today, what would it be?”
14 将事情按轻重缓急加以分类。要是你有好些事要做,那你从哪里开始呢?一种方法是按级分类,逐个完成。要是你拿不准,那就问自己:“要是我今天只能完成一件事,那该是哪件呢?”
Plan, but not too much. Planning is important, and you should decide in advance what you are going to do today or this week. However, planning for more than a few weeks is usually inefficient, so I would not worry too much about that.
15 做计划,但别太多。做计划非常重要,一周或者一天该做什么,事先得有个计划。但是,为几周之后的事情做计划就显得有点浪费了,所以我通常不会过分担心这些。
Wake up early. Waking up early in the morning is a great way to gain extra time. I personally like to wake up at 5 am, so that by 9 am I have already accomplished what otherwise would have taken me many days..
16 早睡早起。早点起床是赢得时间的好办法。我喜欢早上五点起床,所以到了九点,我就有可能做成一些也许要花我几天工夫完成的事。
Check your email only twice per day. Email can easily become an addiction, but it’s usually unnecessary to check it every 10 minutes. Make an effort and check your email only once or twice per day, see if the world will still rotate as before after you try this.
17 每天只看Email两次。Email很容易让人上瘾,但是要是每十分钟就检查一次,那也太不划算了。尝试一下每天只看一次或者两次邮箱吧,看看这个世界是否依然一样转呢?
Eliminate unimportant tasks. Being busy all day does not mean you are doing important stuff. Eliminate every activity that’s not important, and focus on what really matters.
18 忽略掉不重要的事情。整天很忙并不意味着你是在做大事。忽略掉那些不重要的事情你才能将精力集中在重要的事情上。
Clean off your desk and room. Having a clear room and desk is important to maintain focus and creativity.
19 保持办公室和办公桌的整洁。拥有整洁的办公室和办公桌对保持精力旺盛和思维清晰很关键。
Automate. There are a lot of tasks that you need to perform every day or every week. Try to automate them as much as possible.
20 尽量使事情自动化。你每天和每周要完成的任务很多,尽量使它们实现自动化不失为好办法。
Set strict deadlines. When you do something, decide in advance when you’re going to stop. There’s a rule that states that you will fulfill all the time you have available for completing a task, so make an habit of setting strict deadlines for maximizing your productivity.
21 为事情设定最后期限。在你做事之前,决定什么时候该停止。有个规则是说,要是你有时间,你会仅为完成一件事情用上全部。所以为提高效率,不妨养成给事情设定最后期限的习惯。
Take one day off per week. Instead of working every day, take one day off per week (for example sunday) where you are not going to turn on your computer. Use that time for doing recreational activities like going for a walk.
22 每周抽出一天时间。与其每天工作按部就班,不如抽出一天(例如星期天)不去过问公司电脑里面的事情。用这些时间安排做做如散步之类的休闲娱乐活动。
Read 1 book per week. Reading is a good way to keep your brain active. With just 30 minutes per day you should be able to read one book per week, or more than 50 books per year.
23 每周读一本书。阅读是令你脑子清醒的好办法。要是每天你抽出30分钟左右时间来阅读,那么每周你都能读完一本书,那么一年下来你就可以阅读超过50本书。
Solve puzzles. Quizzes, word games, etc. are all good ways to exercise your brain.
24 解谜题。智力测试,填字游戏等等,都是训练大脑的好方法。
Think positively. You are what you think, all the time.
25 尽量积极的思考。如何用脑决定你自身,这话永远正确。
Make fast decisions. Instead of thinking for one hour wherever you are going to do something, make your decisions as fast as possible (usually less than 1 minute).
26 快速做决定。当你想做某事,与其花一个多小时举棋不定,还不如早做决断(通常只需一分钟)。
Wait before buying. Waiting 48 hours before buying anything is a tremendous money saver, try it.
27 买东西之前得想好。在买东西之前等足四十八个小时绝对是省钱的妙计,不信试试看。
Meditate 30 minutes per day. A great way to gain clearness and peace is through meditation. 30 minutes are not a lot, but enough to get you started with meditation.
28 每天思考30分钟。沉思是保持清楚明白和心境平和的好办法。30分钟不算多,但足够你思想驰骋了。
Start a blog. Blogging is one of the best way to put your word out. It doesn’t have to be around a specific topic, even a personal blog will do.
29 做一个博客。做博客是让你畅所欲言的好办法。不需要是关于特定话题的,做一个关于个人的就可以。
Build a portfolio. If your job is creating stuff, building a portfolio is a great way to show what you are capable of. You can also contribute stuff for free if that applies to your work.
What do you think? What are the habits that changed your life?
30 将资料整理成集。要是你是从事创作的,做作品集将很能反映你擅长哪一类。要是条件允许,你也可以免费与人分享一下你的作品。