"I'ma let you finish"
Part of rapper Kanye West's bizarre opening line upon interrupting country singer Taylor Swift at the MTV Video Music Awards, as she gave her acceptance speech for Best Female Video. He then asserted, "Beyoncé had one of the best videos of all time."
1. 坎耶·维斯特
Kobe special"
Hours after what many speculate was a domestic dispute with his wife, golfer Tiger Woods reportedly told a friend that he had to buy one of these ("A house on a finger") at Zales. Kobe Bryant of the Los Angeles Lakers gave his wife a $4 million 8-carat diamond ring after being accused of rape in 2003.
"I'm no saint"
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's first public remarks after the release of audio recordings said to be from a night he spent with a prostitute.
"I am Centaur"
The name of a Twitter feed inspired by the revelation that New York Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez reportedly owns two paintings depicting himself as half-human, half-horse; one is said to hang above his bed.
4.Alex Rodriguez
受纽约洋基队三垒手艾力士·罗德里奎兹启发,一twitter feed账号如此命名。据报道,罗德里奎兹有两幅把他画成半人半马的油画,其中一幅就挂在床头上。
"One meal per day"
The diet that General Stanley McChyrstal — as of June, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan — reportedly maintains to stave off sluggishness.
"Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"
One of Kate Moss's personal credos, which was revealed after the supermodel was asked by an interviewer if she had any mottos. Critics said the comment could contribute to eating disorders among Moss's young fans.
"I Can Has Swine Flu?"
In November, the Iowa Department of Public Health reported the first confirmed case of H1N1 in a house pet, a 13-year-old short-haired cat. Two of the three people living in the cat's household had recently come down with flulike symptoms.
"All wee-weed up"
President Obama's description of the end-of-summer anxiety in the nation's capital over health care, a turn of phrase that befuddled analysts, spawned multiple Twitter feeds and prompted the White House to explain: "Bedwetting would probably be the more consumer-friendly term for it," said press secretary Robert Gibbs.
“全都wee-weed up(紧张得尿炕)”
奥巴马以此形容今年夏末华盛顿医疗改革的紧张气氛,专家甚为不解,Twitter广泛传播,白宫也不得不出面解释。“一个更容易理解的说法可能是尿床。”新闻发言人Robert Gibbs说。
"Doing God's work"
Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein's description of how he spends his time as a banker, in an interview with the London Times.
"Keep f___ing that chicken!"
New York City TV anchor Ernie Anastos' inexplicable on-air comment to weatherman Nick Gregory during a Sept. 16 newscast. Anastos, who started the banter with "It takes a tough man to make a tender forecast" — and, some speculate, meant to say "plucking" — later acknowledged that he "misspoke" and apologized "to anyone who may have been offended."
10.Ernie Anastos
在9月16日的新闻直播中,纽约电视主持人Ernie Anastos如此惊世骇俗的形容气象播报员Nick Gregory。Anastos起初还开玩笑说“播好天气预报果然需要像您这样的硬汉啊”,然后就。。。有人猜测他想说的其实是继续plucking that chicken(拔鸡毛,意为保持风格,继续努力)。Anastos后来承认“口误”,并向“受到影响的人”道歉。