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名著精读:《小妇人》第三章:劳伦斯家的男孩 第8节
日期:2010-02-20 17:01



"Dear me, I didn't know anyone was here!" stammered Jo, preparing to back out as speedily as she had bounced in.


But the boy laughed and said pleasantly, though he looked a little startled, "Don't mind me, stay if you like."


"Shan't I disturb you?"


"Not a bit. I only came here because I don't know many people and felt rather strange at first, you know." "So did I. Don't go away, please, unless you'd rather."


The boy sat down again and looked at his pumps, till Jo said, trying to be polite and easy, "I think I've had the pleasure of seeing you before. You live near us, don't you?"


"Next door." And he looked up and laughed outright, for Jo's prim manner was rather funny when he remembered how they had chatted about cricket when he brought the cat home.


That put Jo at her ease and she laughed too, as she said, in her heartiest way, "We did have such a good time over your nice Christmas present." "Grandpa sent it."


"But you put it into his head, didn't you, now?"


"How is your cat, Miss March?" asked the boy, trying to look sober while his black eyes shone with fun.


"Nicely, thank you, Mr. Laurence. But I am not Miss March, I'm only Jo," returned the young lady.


1.stammer vi. 口吃,结巴 vt. 结结巴巴地说 n. 结巴,口吃

He stammers when he feels nervous.

2.startled['stɑ:tld] adj. 震惊的,受惊吓的

He had a startled look on his face.

3.prim[prim] adj. 规规矩矩的,呆板的,拘谨的 vt. 使一本正经,使整洁

You can't tell that joke to her she's much too prim and proper.

4.sober adj. 清醒的,沉着冷静的,稳重的,颜色暗淡的 vt. 使清醒,使沉着 vi. 清醒,冷静下来

Please sober down a bit; I've got some important news for you.

  • soberadj. 清醒的,沉着冷静的,稳重的,颜色暗淡的 vt.
  • disturbv. 扰乱,妨碍,使 ... 不安