日期:2010-01-28 14:27



New years inspire us to get organized, but we often fall short of our lofty goals because we forget that January can be just as busy as other months of the year. This year can be different. Even if you only have 15 minutes a day, these 7 tips will help you start the year off right.
 新年激发我们将所有东西都安排得井然有序,但我们经常都会无法实现我们的“宏伟”目标,因为我们忘记了,我们在一月会和一年中的其他月份一样忙碌。不过今年会大不相同,即使你每天只有15 分钟的时间,这七个贴士也能帮助你在今年有一个良好的开端。

  Office   Start at one area in your office and make your way around the room. Sort loose papers into piles: file, shred, and recycle.  办公室 从办公室的一个区域开始,一点一点打扫整个办公室。将散页分类整理成堆:“文件”、“废物”以及“回收利用”。


 If you haven’t worn it in the last year, move it out of the closet. Sort by destination: giveaway, resale shop, and keepsake.

  衣柜 如果某件衣服你去年没有穿,就将它移出衣柜。按它的去处分类:“送人”、“送到二手店”、或是“留作纪念”。



  Sort into three piles: keep (have intention to do something with it); giveaway (canned or packaged goods that have not exceeded their expiration dates, but that you have no intention to use in the near future); and toss (items that have exceeded expiration dates, or opened goods that you have no intention to use). Clean shelves and keep dry. Restock the “keep” pile; make a list of things you need to replace on your next trip to the market.

  食品柜 按类别分成三堆:“保存”( 打算用它做些什么)、“送人”( 没有超过保质期的罐装或包装产品,但短期内你也不打算用它)、“扔掉”( 过了保质期的产品,或不打算用的打开了包装的产品)。打扫搁板,保持干燥。重新为“保存”堆补货,列一个你下次去市场时需要买的东西的清单。


  Digital Desktop

  Your computer needs to be organized just like the rooms of your home. Move every item on your computer’s desktop into folders on your hard drive. Typically, you shouldn’t need more than five folders on your desktop for files you use regularly.

  电脑桌面 就像你的屋子要保持整洁一样,你的电脑也需要井然有序。将电脑桌面上每个图标都移入硬盘文件夹。通常,你电脑桌面上用来放置常用文件的文件夹应该不超过五个。



  Your entry is the first place clutter piles up. It’s also the first space you (and your guests) see upon arrival. Resist the urge to drop whatever you’ve brought in (purse, mail, shopping bags, keys) on the closest surface to your front door. Have an organized system: a spot for keys, a rack for coats and handbags, and a letter box for incoming and outgoing mail.

  玄关 玄关是第一个堆满杂物的地方,也是你( 和你的客人) 一进门第一眼看到的地方。克制自己想要把带进屋的任何东西( 钱包、邮件、购物袋、钥匙) 都丢在靠正门的柜子上的冲动。你需要有一个有序的分类:一个放钥匙的地方、一个挂外套和手提包的架子以及一个装收发邮件的信箱。



  Organizing doesn’t have to consume a whole weekend. Spend 15 minutes at the end of the day sorting mail, clearing tabletops, and folding laundry, and chores won’t seem so overwhelming.

  保持 整理并不一定要花费整个周末。每天晚上用15 分钟的时间整理邮件、擦桌子、叠衣服,家务事看起来就不会那么令人头疼了。


  Make it fun

  Put on some music, light an aromatic candle, and use a softly fragrant cleaning spray. Seriously, it’ll make you want to clean more.

  让整理变得有趣 放点音乐,点根香薰蜡烛,使用一种带有轻柔芳香的清洁喷剂。说真的,这会让你想要继续打扫。

  • foldingadj. 可折叠的 动词fold的现在分词
  • aromaticadj. 芳香的 n. 芳香植物,芳香族化合物
  • loftyadj. 高的,高超的,傲慢的
  • overwhelmingadj. 势不可挡的,压倒的
  • pantryn. 食品储藏室,备膳室
  • destinationn. 目的地,终点,景点
  • urgevt. 驱策,鼓励,力陈,催促 vi. 极力主张 n.
  • resistv. 抵抗,反抗,抵制,忍住 n. 防蚀涂层
  • tossn. 投掷,震荡 v. 投掷,摇荡,辗转
  • minutesn. 会议记录,(复数)分钟