1 Consider his future thoughts. He starts thinking about the future and you’re in it—his future once meant he had a date on Saturday night, but with you, the future seems definite. Not only does he plan to see you this weekend, but he wants to see you a year from now. Also, when planning his next vacation, he finds himself making plans with you in them, and when his best friend gets married in six months, you’re his date.
2 Note whether he's making room for you. Other priorities take a back seat—He use to work out religiously, but lately, when your free for dinner, he doesn’t mind missing his workout. Not only that, but his workaholic tendency of bringing home work on weekends to get ahead seems a bit excessive to him now, and his “to do” list is not as important as it once was to him.
3 See if he is softening when it comes to you. He doesn’t mind compromising today—there was a time when it was his way or the highway, but with you it’s suddenly different. He mind missing “a night out with the guys” anymore, and he doesn’t even mind going to see that French movie in sub-titles. He even takes some good natured taunts from his friends, when secretly they wish they were in his shoes.
4 Note if his spare time is mostly time spent with you. He loves spending time with you—this one is pretty obvious but important nonetheless. He looks forward to seeing you, and it doesn’t matter what the two of you do as long as he gets to spend time with you, in fact, those long walks you like so well are okay with him too. He now finds that when he is not with you, he is thinking about you constantly.
5 Watch his field of attention. He doesn’t notice other women as much. Although he can’t help but notice a beautiful woman when one walks by, but now that he’s so in love with you, many of them slip by, and to him, in his mind, they don’t even compare with you. Better yet is the fact that he doesn’t flirt as much as he used to. He is coming to realize that you’re the only woman that really matters to him and your feelings matter to him too.
6 Note the sparks. You have great chemistry—you can’t be in love with someone you don’t have chemistry with. He seems to always be on the same wavelength, and you both have similar thoughts, which is a great sign.
7 Be aware of your faults in his eyes. He finds your quirks charming—the fact that you snort when you start laughing hard, or how when you eat, your food can not be touching each other on the plate fills him with inexplicable feelings of happiness. You say things that make you different from the others and this is one of the things that make you so attractive to him. In fact, he’s finding out more and more that he likes you just the way you are.
8 Consider how curious he has become about you. He realizes he’s falling in love with you because he wants to find out everything about you. He wants to know where you come from, who your parents are (a biggie), what you think about and why, and what makes you laugh. He truly cares about your feelings, and if you’ve had a bad day or your upset about something, he wants to cheer you up, not because he has to, but because he genuinely wants you to be happy.
9 Divine if his thoughts keep coming back to you. He can’t stop thinking about you—he is consumed by thoughts of you. You just happen to pop in his head for no reason, he even wonders if you think of him as much. He wonders what your doing, and he considers calling you but doesn’t, (he doesn’t want to look too eager). He thinks about you so much now that even when he’s out with his friends and he spots something in a shop window he thinks you would like when a couple of weeks ago he wouldn’t have given a second glance. You are the last thing he thinks about when he goes to bed at night. He’s got it bad for you, and that’s good.
10 Consider whether talk about the ex has ceased. He’s completely forgotten about his ex wife or girlfriend. All he thinks about is you now and that’s exactly what you want.