Lights shine on the National Christmas Tree in front of the White House on Dec. 1 in Washington. President Barack Obama, first lady Michelle, and daughters Malia and Sasha, helped press the button to light the illuminate the Colorado blue spruce.
Overall, there appear to be fewer trees and decorations than in years past -- and the same is true of the Christmas card list. Several hundred thousand have been mailed out, paid for by the Democratic National Committee.
The Blue Room is adorned with a Fraser fir from Dan and Bryan Christmas Trees in nearby Shepherdstown, W. Va.
蓝色房间有一颗冷杉装饰着,来自在西弗吉尼亚州谢泼兹敦附近的Dan and Bryan圣诞树。
Christmas trees are seen on the White House's State Floor. The 2009 official White House ornament commemorates the 24th president of the United States, Grover Cleveland.
圣诞树摆放在白宫的国家楼层。 2009年,白宫的装饰是为了纪念美国的第二十四任总统——格罗弗·克利夫兰。
A large wreath is seen hanging in the East Room of the White House in Washington. Overall, about the same number of guests will visit the White House this holiday season as in years past, although there will be a slightly smaller number of parties and receptions, according to White House aides.
The entrance to the West Wing of the White House is framed by Christmas trees and holiday lights in Washington. Jacqueline Kennedy in 1961 began the tradition of establishing a decorating theme for White House Christmases, selecting "The Nutcracker Suite."