Tart in Ymber Day, Compast and Frumenty are just some of the medieval dishes being boiled up at a Manchester library.
Tart in Ymber Day、Compast 还有Frumenty其实就是中世纪的一些菜肴,现在它们被曼彻斯特的一家图书馆翻腾了出来。
Tart in Ymber Day is a type of egg custard tart sweetened with raisins, compast is cooked rootvegetables boiled in a sweetened vinaigrette and frumenty is bulghar wheat and chicken stockcoloured and flavoured with saffron and served as a porridge type dish.
"Tart in Ymber Day"就是一种加了葡萄干的蛋挞;"compast" 则是用甜醋煮熟的根茎蔬菜,而"frumenty" 所指的就是用加了藏红花的鸡汤熬制出来的麦片粥。
The creations are courtesy of a 14th century cookbook, one of the oldest recipe compilations, stored in the library at University of Manchester.
Alison Aucott, general catering manager, said it had been a "challenge" deciphering the book, Forme of Cury.
该校餐饮部负责人艾莉森·奥古特说,解密这本名为"Forme of Cury"的中世纪菜谱是一种挑战。
It hails back to Richard II's reign and is written in Middle English.
The dishes, which are being cooked in the catering department at the university's John Ryland's
library, will be made available to the public in the new year. The complete collection of manuscripts is also available online.
Many of them use ingredients unavailable in today's society. But out of the 150 recipes, 20 were picked and translated.这些菜谱中的许多配料如今已经很少使用了。所以烹饪人员不得不从菜谱中的150道菜中挑出了20道菜,并对它们进行菜谱翻译。
Ms Aucott said: "It was a real challenge to the team they were very hard to translate.
"We worked really hard experimenting with the recipes, they were very difficult [and] don't describe how to create the dish like we do today. There are no measurements, no precise instructions, just boil or mix. "
"We also had quite a challenge to make these dishes palatable to the 21st century taste."