No.1 Michael
Michael often referes to the people who are very conceited!
No.2 Jessica
Jessica is often very shrewd and very fine in speech.
No.3 Tom
Tom 通常“乡土味”很重! 不过,老实人还是人缘最好的哦!
Tom is usually with very heavy "local flavor"! Also, they are very honest and popular people!
No.4 Samantha
Samantha 通常都是贵妇人的统称哦~
Samantha is usually referred to rich ladies!
No.5 Vincent
Vincent 通常官位都蛮大的也通常帅
Vincent is usually a handsome official.
No.6 Catherine
Catherine 大美女,有气质的美女!
Catherine is a great beauty with good temperament!
No.7 Jack
Jack 看起来都很老实
Jack seems very honest
No.8 Claire
Claire 甜姐儿~~单纯 带点点傻气~
Claire is a darling girl with some kind of little silly.
No.9 Paul
Paul 的通常不是 Gay同性恋, 就是很有钱的人哦~
Paul is usually wither gay or a very rich man.