At the start of the freshman year, finding a job after graduation isprobably the last thing on your mind, but before you know it, it willbe senior year and finding that job will be your top priority. Hi, I amLindsey Pollak, generation Y and career expert and author of Gettingfrom College to Career. I am standing here on the campus of ColumbiaUniversity to talk about a four-year plan, to land a job of your dreamsafter you graduate。
Buteverybody's experience is very different, there are few guidelines youcan follow for each of your four years. Freshman year, don't worry toomuch about your career plans, try a lot of activities, get your feetwet on campus and take several different classes to see what it is youmost enjoy. Sophomore year is a time to narrow down your academic focusand decide on the college major. You also want to narrow your optionsin terms of your extra curricula activities to focus on your biggestcommitments。
Andfinally I recommend getting a professional internship the summerbetween your sophomore and junior years to start having professionalexperience you will be able to list on your resume. Junior year is atime to take on leadership positions in the extra curricula activitiesthat you've chosen. It's also really important to get your GPA above3.0 because that is the cutup for many employers to give you a job. Andfinally if you haven't on an internship already, it's essential to haveat least one on your resume by the end of your junior year。
大学三年级,在你已经选择的一些课外活动中担当一些领导工作。这对于你获得3.0以上的平均分来说至关重要。也会更容易让你在毕业后获得一份工作。 至少找一份实习生的工作来做。实习经历在你毕业的简历上是必不可少的。GPA: grade point average 平均分。美国的GPA满分是4分。
Duringyour senior year, your goal should be to find a balance among theleadership positions you've taken on in your extra curricularactivities. Keeping up your great point average in your college majorand focusing on the job search for a position after graduation. Istrongly encourage you to become involved in your career servicescentre to make sure you are clear on the deadlines and requirements forany jobs you will be applying to。
And finally it's your senior year of college, enjoy it, have some fun, take some time to really enjoy college before you're orphan to the real world。
Nowif you'd got your four year college career plan underway, let's talkabout the dorm room situation. For tips on decorating in small spaces,check out the back to school series on fncimag.com. I am LindseyPollak, thanks for clicking on。