日期:2009-07-15 18:25



来源: Financial Times 编辑: Vicki 翻译:译言网


PARIS — Leading European newspaper and magazine publishers on Thursday called on the European Commission to strengthen copyright protection as a way to lay the groundwork for new ways to generate revenue online.

The publishers said widespread use of their work by online news aggregators and other Web sites was undermining their efforts to develop an online business models at a time when readers and advertisers are defecting from newspapers and magazines.

“Numerous providers are using the work of authors, publishers and broadcasters without paying for it,” the publishers said in a letter to Viviane Reding, the European media and telecommunications commissioner. “Over the long term, this threatens the production of high-quality content and the existence of independent journalism.”

The petition echoes other recent calls from publishers for greater copyright protection as they try to move beyond a business models based largely on advertising and try to generate more revenue from users. Only a handful of newspapers or magazines, including The Wall Street Journal and The Financial Times, have had success charging readers to use their sites.
请愿书与近期其他来自出版商的呼吁产生了共鸣,寻求更多的版权保护,他们试图超越主要基于广告的商业模式,尝试从用户处产出更多收入。只有少数的报纸或杂志,包括The Wall Street Journal(华尔街日报)和The Financial Times(金融时报),成功的给读者充电,让读者使用它们的网站。

The initiative grew out of a campaign in Germany, led by Axel Springer, which publishes the tabloid Bild, to strengthen copyright law in that country. German publishers want to create a so-called neighboring right for publishers, similar to protections that already exist for music publishers and other content owners.
该请愿在德国衍生出一项活动,领导者是Axel Springer——小报Bild的出版商,活动目的在于让德国加强版权法律。德国出版商希望建立所谓的邻接权(即:作品传播者权),类似已经存在的对音乐出版商和其他内容所有者的保护一样。

The right would give publishers greater control over secondary use of their work that generates revenue.

Publishers have not said publicly what they would do with such a right, but executives say one possibility would be to try to get business users to pay for access to online content. Under such a practice, businesses would have to pay for special licenses; fees would be collected by a new organization modeled on the “societies” that gather royalties on behalf of musical copyright owners. Private individuals would be allowed access to news sites without such a license.

The letter presented Thursday to Ms. Reding also stopped short of specific proposals. Instead, publishers want stricter enforcement of existing legislation, said Heidi Lambert, a spokeswoman for the European Publishers Council, a trade group that has endorsed the petition.
周四这封信被呈给了蕾汀女士,同时解决了具体建议短缺的情况。欧洲出版商协会已经批准了该请愿书,发言人Heidi Lambert说,与此相反,出版商要求更严格执行现行立法。

European publishers have been leading an effort to get Google and other Internet companies to adopt a new technology that manages the relationship between online publishers and search engines. The system, called the Automated Content Access Protocol, would allow publishers to set the terms of search engines’ and aggregators’ use of their content.

Publishers say the system, championed by the publishers’ council and the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers, would make it easier to create profitable Web sites. Critics say, however, that it would create unnecessary new hurdles for users.
出版商们称,这个被出版商协会和World Association of Newspapers (世界报业协会)以及News Publishers拥护的系统,将更容易的建立可盈利的网站。批评人士则认为,它会给用户带来不必要的新障碍。

Google did not immediately return a call seeking comment.

Martin Selmayr, a spokesman for Ms. Reding, said she had not yet reviewed the document and could not comment on it. But he referred to a speech she gave Thursday in Brussels, in which she said that a top priority for developing the digital economy in Europe was the creation of “a simple, consumer-friendly legal framework for accessing digital content in Europe’s single market, while ensuring at the same time fair remuneration of creators.”

The petition has been signed by executives of News Corp., Axel Springer, Gruner + Jahr, Lagardère, Independent News & Media, the Daily Mail & General Trust, Burda Media and the Espresso Group, among others. Neither the International Herald Tribune nor its parent, The New York Times, is among the signatories.
在请愿书中签字的有News Corp.(新闻集团)的执行主管,Axel Springer(德国最大报纸出版商), Gruner + Jahr(古纳亚尔集团,欧洲最大杂志出版商), Lagardère(拉加代尔集团,法国一家综合性媒体),Independent News & Media(爱尔兰报业集团独立新闻及传媒公司), the Daily Mail & General Trust(每日邮报暨通用信托集团),Burda Media(布尔达传媒集团) 以及Espresso Group等。 International Herald Tribune(国际先驱导报)及其母公司,以及The New York Times(纽约时报)都未签名。

Keke Vew:  版权即著作权,是指文学、艺术、科学作品的作者对其作品享有的权利(包括财产权、人身权)。版权的取得有两种方式:自动取得和登记取得。在中国,按照著作权法规定,作品完成就自动有版权。 所谓完成,是相对而言的,只要创作的对象已经满足法定的作品构成条件,既可作为作品受到著作权法保护。在学理上,根据性质不同,版权可以分为著作权及邻接权,简单来说,著作权是针对原创相关精神产品的人而言的,而邻接权的概念,是针对表演或者协助传播作品载体的有关产业的参加者而言的,比如表演者、录音录像制品制作者、广播电视台、出版社等等。

  • frameworkn. 结构,框架,参照标准,体系
  • legaladj. 法律的,合法的,法定的
  • unnecessaryadj. 不必要的,多余的
  • widespreadadj. 分布(或散布)广的,普遍的
  • initiativeadj. 创始的,初步的,自发的 n. 第一步,首创精神
  • campaignn. 运动,活动,战役,竞选运动 v. 从事运动,参加竞
  • adoptv. 采用,收养,接受
  • numerousadj. 为数众多的,许多
  • commissionn. 委员会,委托,委任,佣金,犯罪 vt. 委任,委托
  • gatherv. 聚集,聚拢,集合 n. 集合,聚集