来源:The Guardian 编辑:Vicki
Mobile phone directory suspended
A controversial service which allows connection to millions of mobile phone numbers in an online directory has been suspended(停止), just weeks after it was launched. The 118 800 service, which charges up to £1 to put people in touch with a mobile number from its list, went live in June. Since then it has been deluged (洪水般涌来)with people trying to remove their details from the system.
The site had caused concerns about privacy after it emerged it was making available details of 15m mobile phone numbers it had bought from market researchers and list brokers.
Consumers who wanted their numbers removed from the site were told they needed to log on (登录)and apply to be ex-directory(退出电话簿).
Those who tried to do so late last week were unable to access the site. Visitors are now told the service is unavailable online and by phone while "major developments" are undertaken "to improve the experience for our customers".
The message says: "All ex-directory requests made by people in our directory to date are being processed. There will be no need to resend these requests.
"And we will take further ex-directory requests when the service resumes. We will not be taking ex-directory requests by phone or text whilst the service is not operational."
Last week the office of the Information Commissioner(信息专员) said it wanted to talk to Connectivity, the site behind the 118 800 service, to find out how it planned to protect consumers against having their numbers included against their will.
However, a spokeswoman for 118 800 said the site's owners had earlier talked to the Commissioner and ensured the site did comply with (服从)UK laws. She said the suspension of the site and phone directory service were a result of "technical glitches" that meant parts of the site needed rebuilding and that the suspension (暂停,中止)would be temporary.
In a statement, 188 800 said: "The high number of queries 118 800 has received since launching have highlighted some technical glitches(小过错) in the system. To ensure 118 800 provides faultless(完美无缺的) customer service the decision has been made to temporarily suspend the service allowing for technical work to be completed.
"All requests to be made 'ex directory' that have been sent to the service, via the website or text message, are being dealt with and these numbers will be made ex-directory. There will be no need to resend these requests to 118 800. 118 800 will begin taking further ex-directory requests as soon as the service is resumed.
"118 800 apologies for any inconvenience this has caused callers and will release a further statement once the service is up and running at full capacity."
The landline (座机)directory service at 118 800 is still operational.
Keke View:作为一种客户服务甚至是盈利的业务,世界上很多电信业务公司都为用户提供电话接入方式的号码查询(Directory enquiry service或Directory assistance services)和号码信息簿(也就是我们俗称的电话白页和电话黄页,国外有些国家称为号码信息业务Directory information service)等服务。电话接入的号码查询业务是指接线员通过语音提供的电话号码查询业务,例如中国电信提供的“114”查号台业务。号码信息簿(白页和黄页)业务指为客户提供文本方式的号码出版物的业务,实际上除了这两大类产品外,国外还出现了Internet查询等各种类似或者相关的业务,为了便于阐述,我们下面如果没有特殊的说明,我们简称为号码查询业务(Directory Service)。