Raven Ravens have sharp sense of smell and can locate dead and decaying bodies at a great distance. So they are often associated with death. According to a legend, the great orator Cicero was warned of his death by a raven. On the day of his murder, a raven flew into his bedroom and pulled the covers off his bed.
Magpie The magpie has generally been regarded as a bird that brings ill luck. Some people spit three times to avoid ill luck when the bird was seen. In Scotland some people think it is very bad when one sees seven magpies together, and if magpies fly near the windows of a house, one of the persons living in the house is going to die.
渡鸦 渡鸦食腐,嗅觉敏锐,很远就能找到腐尸,所以被视为死亡之兆。据传说,古罗马雄辩家西塞罗就受到过渡鸦的警告。他被谋杀当天,一只渡鸦飞进卧室,把被子拉下床。
喜鹊 喜鹊也是不吉利的鸟。有人见到喜鹊,吐三口唾沫以辟邪。在苏格兰,有人认为看见七只喜鹊最不吉利。喜鹊若飞近窗子,就有人认为房中有人将去世。