If you really want to have success with women then you need to learn the right way to attract a woman. What I mean by this is that you have to avoid doing what 99% of all men do. When most men approach a woman they usually don't have any confidence, they don't sustain any meaningful eye contact, and they lack the necessary social skills to generate attraction from an initial conversation. The good news is that talking to a woman the right way is a learned skill. And just like reading a book or riding a snowboard anyone can learn how to talk to a woman the right way.
There are three basic types of conversation that you can have with a woman. The first type, is known as an informational conversation. This is when you are talking to a woman and you are simply giving her information about a topic in a very blasé or scientific way. Talking about your next job assignment is a good example of this. Obviously, this does not generate attraction. This could be the reason why many scientists have trouble getting a date. The second type of conversation is known as a one-way conversation. This can be either a man talking mostly about himself and not allowing a woman to get in a word in edgewise or this could mean that the man does not know how to engage or challenge a woman so that she will want to engage him back.
The third kind of conversation is known as a two-way conversation and this has a higher likelihood of generating attraction in a woman because she is now fully engaged with you. But having a two-way conversation is not enough to get a woman attracted to you. You must also be in total alignment with who you are as a confident male. Women are not attracted to men who don't know what they want in life. Women are also not attracted to men that don't have a spine. If you always cave into her demands, then she will actually get bored of you .
You will notice that in your many interactions with different kinds of women that they are going to challenge you. This is their way of testing you to see if you are who you say you are. So while you are trying to have a conversation with her she might start to become interested in you. One thing that I've learned over the years is that women love to test men. So they will do things that might seem a little strange. Out of the blue she might ask you to buy her a drink. She might also excuse herself to the bathroom and then on the way there she will stop and talk to a guy that she knows. And she's not doing this to be mean, she is simply going to see if you will get jealous. An insecure man gets jealous and a man who is not insecure won't. So watch out for these tests because they happen all the time.
Some things to keep in mind when you are talking to a woman.
1. Maintain eye contact longer than normal.
2. Make sure you have confident body language.
3. Ask her open-ended questions and then let her run with it.
4. Don't talk too much about yourself and never brag about your job, your money, or your car because these things only communicate insecurity.
5. Make sure you're well-groomed. This will communicate that you care about your appearance and that you have self-respect.
6. Ask for her contact information when your conversation is at it's conclusion.
7. Do not hang around too long unless you plan on getting her alone so you can really build up the rapport. Otherwise change locations or get her contact information and then leave.
By following these guidelines you are going to be much better off than the competition. So the next time you go online or you are at a coffee shop or you are in a bookstore make sure you keep the these guidelines and mind and your chances of success will skyrocket.
1. 保持眼神接触,要长于正常时间。
2. 确保你具有自信的肢体语言。
3. 问她一些可以自由回答的问题,然后让她自行发挥。
4. 勿要过多谈论自己,永远不要夸耀你的工作、金钱、或汽车,因为这些东西只是传达出不可靠的信息。
5. 确保边幅修整。这会传达出这样的信息:你注重自己的外表,并且你自尊自重。
6. 在交谈结束时,向她要联系方式。
7. 不要泡得太长,除非你盘算着得到与她独处的机会从而得以真正确立关系。否则,就换个地方,或者要到她联系方式,然后走人。
1. sustain 长期保持;使继续
We do not have enough money to sustain our campaign for long.
2. likelihood n.可能,可能性
I don't think there is any likelihood of his agreeing to it.
3. out of the blue 出其不意;出乎意料
Her son, who left her more than thirty years ago, came out of the blue.
4. open-ended adj. 可修整的,末端开口的,自由回答的
George Bush this morning ordered 21,500 more US troops to Iraq to try to quell sectarian violence, but promised a war-weary public that "America's commitment is not open-ended".
5. keep in mind 记住
I'll keep your advice in mind.
6. well-groomed adj. 衣着考究的;干净整洁的;衣冠楚楚的
They chose him for the job because he always looks so well groomed.
7. hang around 闲逛,闲待着;耽搁,延误;迫近,即将来临
Since he lost his job, he's been hanging around here.
Don't hang around—we have a train to catch!
不要耽搁, 我们要赶火车呢!
There is rain hanging around.
8. skyrocket vi. 突升, 猛涨
The price of sugar has suddenly skyrocketed up.
1.If you really want to have success with women then you need to learn the right way to attract a woman.
have success with...表示“在(某事上)……成功”
例如:He have score a great success with his new play.
2. What I mean by this is that you have to avoid doing what 99% of all men do.
avoid doing sth.表示“避免做某事”
例如:You must avoid making decisions in a hurry.
3. If you always cave into her demands, then she will actually get bored of you.
cave into one's demand “对……唯命是从”
get bored of...表示“对……厌倦”
例如: You've participated in boxing for so many years, you never get bored of it?