Serena rarely ventures from her long, slightly wavy trademark, so this special style stands out. It's possible to fake a braid like that or pick up an extension to wrap in for added detail to an updo.
We definitely spotted Little J with dark nails on several episodes this season. Whether they were jet black or some other inky hue, she even sported them during her lighter (makeup) days, not just on edgy ones.
Wait a minute, maybe this is where Drew Barrymore got that Golden Globes inspiration? Just sayin'. Serena had some extra volume as she strutted down the catwalk.
如果你不能成为Queen B,但至少你能够用那些漂亮滴发箍以示效忠。女王身边的宠臣们就各自带着不同的发箍:佩内洛普选择了一款简单的金属质感头箍;Hazel则有个蝴蝶结;而伊莎贝尔索性就头上戴花了。(顺带一说:Chuck的表情好可爱)
If you can't be Blair, you can honor her with headbands. Three very different styles for her minions: Penelope opts for simple metallic, Hazel has a bow, and Isabel wears flowers in her hair.
Lily looks pretty when switching up a sleek bun by adding in tons of volume. It's not hard to tease out this style on yourself, just takes some hair spray, a curling iron, and a bit of reverse combing towards the roots.
If you're an avid follower of the show, surely you remember Little J's dabbling in the dramatic with her super-smoky eyes? The key: tons of shadow and some tips on placement. You'll have to master that gaze on your own, though.
Sometimes you just need an attention-grabbing hairpiece to complete a fancy look. On the runway, Agnes chose dramatic feathery flair to add a pop of color to her dark locks.
This style's a cinch to replicate...if you can braid your own hair, that is. To create this plait, you'll just start a Dutch braid by one ear and loosely pull in pieces from the top in bottom to create a sideways look – love it!
Ms. Carr的披肩直发
Rachel Carr柔顺的长发就吹吹直这么简单,让人妒忌啊。但这绝不是什么随随便便的形象哦,而是简单中内涵精炼,很适合老师的完美造型。
Rachel Carr has sleek hair blown out so straight, I was envious. It's a no-nonsense style that is simple and polished, perfect for teacher.
Nelly seems to have quite the collection of glasses. Hope she follows the tips for wearing makeup and lenses to avoid lash backlash.