Part 1
A crisis of global capitalism has thrown up a crisis of global politics. Or perhaps it has been the other way round. In truth, the direction of causality scarcely matters. The important point is that only good politics has the capacity to clear up the mess left by bad economics.
The future could look brighter. From Washington to Beijing, Berlin to Buenos Aires, everyone signs up to the fact of economic interdependence. But even as the synchronised slump has underlined the implications of this integration, it has turned politics inwards. Voters want shelter from the global storms. Talk of a new architecture for the international system does not quell the anger of the dispossessed and unemployed.
For two decades the prosperity that flowed from globalisation, albeit often unevenly distributed, seemed to assure its forward momentum. The world has fallen off the bicycle. The financial crash has exposed the failures and fragilities of globalisation. The unanswered question is whether governments can build a framework to restore its political legitimacy.
The present international system is a relic of a bygone era – of a time when the world was described by the competing ideologies of liberal democracy and communism, and when the institutions charged with what passed for global governance were the preserve of the rich nations of the west. The fall of the Berlin Wall was held to mark the triumph of this Washington consensus. The collapse of Lehman Brothers last autumn marked its demise.
当前的国际体系是过往时代的遗迹——一个被形容为自由民主和共产主义意识形态之争的年代,一个负责制定全球治理规则的机构全都是西方富裕国家的领地的时代。柏林墙的倒下被认为是上述“华盛顿共识”(Washington consensus)胜利的标志。而雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)去年秋季的倒闭则标志着它的死亡。
Some hope the Group of 20 summit of world leaders in London early next month will provide a new answer. The G20, it is said, could turn the rising powers of the east and south into stakeholders in a refurbished global order. Gordon Brown, Britain's prime minister and the summit host, has promised governments will at last bring to bear the “global solutions” needed to resolve the economic crisis. After a period of apparent indifference, Barack Obama's new US administration has said it is prepared to show leadership.
一些人希望下月初在伦敦举行的20国集团(G20)全球领导人峰会,会提供一个新的答案。据说,20国集团可能会将东方和南部的新兴国家变成全球新秩序的利益相关者。英国首相戈登•布朗(Gordon Brown)将主持此次峰会。他已承诺,各国政府将最终利用应对此次经济危机所需的“全球性解决方案”。在经历了表面上漠不关心的一段时期后,巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)领导的美国新政府已表示,准备发挥其领导作用。
Part 2
Supporters suggest the G20 could eventually emerge, in a manner of which the Austrian statesman Metternich would have approved, as a global concert of powers: Americans and Asians, Europeans and Africans, Latin Americans and Antipodeans would all sit down to safeguard prosperity and settle conflicts.
This enterprise, though, has already hit an embarrassing snag. Diplomats charged with the meeting's preparation confide that, contrary to popular belief, the G20 summit is, well, not really a G20 summit.
It is true that heads of government from all points north, south, east and west will converge on London. For reasons too complicated to explain in this space, 28 delegations have been invited – 23 (or is it 24?) national leaders as well as the heads of organisations such as the International Monetary Fund.
This numerical confusion, though, does not explain why the event is officially named the London (as opposed to the G20) summit. The problem is rather more substantive. Strange though it seems, there is as yet no agreement among the attendees that the G20 actually exists.
If this sounds surreal, let me refine the last statement. The G20 has long met at the level of finance ministers and central bankers. It has a rotating chairmanship and a secretariat.
But there is no consensus that the group should reach beyond the financial and the economic to become a permanent political institution. To the contrary, some rich nations – Japan and Italy spring to mind – fear regular meetings of G20 leaders would undermine the G8 industrial nations. Others think a G13 – the G8 plus the five biggest emerging nations – would be a more effective global forum.
The temptation is to laugh at the bureaucratic imbecility of such wrangling. Who but the diplomats could care about the precise number after the “G”; or whether we should talk about the London or the G20 summit? What matters surely is that governments, rich and rising, pull in roughly the same direction.
Sad to say, however, this argument is a painfully perfect metaphor for the more profound confusion and competition standing in the way of effective international co-operation.
It is one thing for political leaders to agree that safeguarding globalisation requires more coherent international governance. After all, prominent among the causes of the financial crash was the failure of politics to keep up with economic integration. Global markets ran far ahead of the capacity of governments to oversee, even to understand, them.
Part 3
It is quite something else, however, to proceed from this analysis to an accord on how power and responsibility should be shared in a new international system. The rich nations are reluctant to give up their power in the institutions they created in the middle of the past century; the rising powers, notably but not solely China and India, ask why they should be stakeholders in a system in which they have so small a stake.
Thus the US still bridles at any suggestion it should accept arrangements that would limit its national freedom of action. Europeans are more adept at speaking the language of inclusion but, clinging on to the illusions of past greatness, they too find it hard to cede power. Why else would Benelux still have more votes at the IMF than China?
The hesitations are not only on the side of the old powers. China wants influence without responsibility: to prosper from international order without shouldering the burdens of sustaining it. India, for all its determination to be recognised as a great power, is overtly contemptuous of anything beyond a narrowly drawn definition of its national interest.
Reconciling these conflicting interests and anxieties is not a realistic task for a single, or even several, summits, whether of the G20, G13 or some other combination. As with much else in the world today, the pace of progress will depend on the US – the insufficient but still indispensable power.
Those looking for a grand design for the international order are destined to be disappointed. The best one can hope for perhaps is a patchwork of “Gs” in which responsibility and power are more widely distributed. The signs from Washington, and from Beijing, are not all discouraging. Next month's summit, whatever it is called, might make a start.