I recently came up with a to do list before going to heaven (or elsewhere if I am not so lucky) and that involves saying goodbye to certain people and getting rid of loose ends. No, I am not contemplating death or planning to die. You see it doesn't take planning in order to think ahead; I am just concerned about what if it were to happen and I had left things up in the air.
1. If I were to go earlier than later, I would just as well make sure that any material belongings would be divided among family and friends. It sounds vain but I could not bear thinking of leaving an apartment full of odd pieces of furniture, computers, books and artwork without them being destined for someone else. I could wonder how those items would be appreciated but should that be my concern when we all have different tastes? The best thing is to donate these material goods to the best possible recipient.
2. I could wonder too how long my spirit would linger around watching my material world dissipate after I had been stripped of any earthly attachment. I would also wonder if I would one of those confused souls unsure of where to go without a body to inhabit. How strange.
3. I would probably open up to all my friends and family, not that it ever mattered while I was alive but at least let them admire me for being honest about myself even though it was at the last moment. Then again I don't think there are any secrets to mention from someone who has been a loner for a good part of his life and liked his own company.
4. I would want to pay back any debts if there were some and apologize to anyone that I had forgotten along the way.
5. An autobiography has not occurred to me yet but it might turn out as an interesting book. Even though others might also debunk it.
6. How about a going away party. There are going away parties for people going into the service and never coming home. Wouldn't being at the end of my life be like going into some ethereal service? After all I must have been around for some reason
7. I would visit places that I hadn't seen so far. Obviously I would have to be in good enough health to at least get to the foothills of the Himalayas!
8. I would open up a death parlor, something that the dying would love to pamper themselves before taking off like a special comforter they might like to be draped in. Naturally my kin will have to be in on this since I would not be around to snicker at some purchase choices!
9. I would do some outlandish things, nothing to risk my life of course but just something that may get some people to think.
10. I would empty my bank account and spend whatever I could. There is no point in donating further funds to companies that have been deviously charging me my whole life.