赤狐 Red Fox, Denali National Park, Alaska
在阿拉斯加的德纳里国家公园(Denali National Park),一只赤狐正大张了嘴打着呵欠。狐狸有着很强的适应性,即使在有环境压力的情况下仍能健康成长。它们生活在森林,草原,山区,沙漠,甚至人类环境中,如农场和郊区。它们单独捕猎鼠类,兔子,鸟类等,有时也以其它的小猎物如鱼,青蛙,蚯蚓和垃圾等为食。
Photograph by Joel Sartore
In Alaska’s Denali National Park, a red fox opens wide for a yawn. Foxes are masters of adaptation, allowing them to thrive despite environmental pressures. They live in forests, grasslands, mountains, deserts, and even human environments such as farms and suburban areas. They are solitary hunters that feed on rodents, rabbits, birds, small game-even fish, frogs, worms, and garbage.
肩毛果蝠 Fruit Bats at Dusk, Zambia
Photograph by Frans Lanting
Epauletted fruit bats speckle a saffron-colored sky at sunset in Zambia’s Luangwa Valley. Millions of these bats come to roost in the valley’s trees and feed off the explosion of fruits during the rainy season, when the Luangwa River overflows its banks and transforms the dry, dusty landscape into an emerald wildlife paradise.
落在树叶上带斑纹的蟋蟀 Striped Cricket on Leaf, Southeast Asia
Photograph by Timothy Laman
Stripes meet stars in this night shot of a cricket in a Southeast Asian forest. In jungles throughout the world, the sinking sun summons a menagerie of rarely seen creatures that slither, leap, and buzz while the forest’s more familiar creatures sleep.
座头鲸(非洲南部)Humpback Whale, South Africa
Photograph by David Doubilet
Forty tons of gleaming muscle, a humpback whale blasts out of the water near South Africa. Found in coastal waters worldwide, humpbacks are known for their magical songs, haunting sequences of moans, howls, cries, and other noises that often continue for hours on end. Scientists believe they communicate and attract mates through song.