Musicians wrestle everywhere
日期:2008-05-08 18:30


Musicians wrestle everywhere --
All day -- among the crowded air
I hear the silver strife --
And -- walking -- long before the morn --
Such transport breaks upon the town
I think it that "New Life"!

If is not Bird -- it has no nest --
Nor "Band" -- in brass and scarlet -- drest --
Nor Tamborin -- nor Man --
It is not Hymn from pulpit read --
The "Morning Stars" the Treble led
On Time's first Afternoon!

Some -- say -- it is "the Spheres" -- at play!
Some say that bright Majority
Of vanished Dames -- and Men!
Some -- think it service in the place
Where we -- with late -- celestial face --
Please God -- shall Ascertain!

  • bandn. 带,箍,波段 n. 队,一群,乐队 v. 绑扎 v
  • transportn. 运输、运输工具;(常用复数)强烈的情绪(狂喜或狂怒
  • hymnn. 赞美诗,圣歌 v. 唱赞美歌
  • ascertainvt. 确定,探知,查明