The Sun kept stooping -- stooping -- low
日期:2008-05-07 13:45


The Sun kept stooping -- stooping -- low!
The Hills to meet him rose!
On his side, what Transaction!
On their side, what Repose!

Deeper and deeper grew the stain
Upon the window pane --
Thicker and thicker stood the feet
Until the Tyrian

Was crowded dense with Armies --
So gay, so Brigadier --
That I felt martial stirrings
Who once the Cockade wore --

Charged from my chimney corner --
But Nobody was there!

  • chimneyn. 烟囱
  • transactionn. 交易,处理,办理,事务 (复)transactio
  • reposen. 休息,睡眠,安静 v. (使)休息,(使)依靠
  • panen. 窗玻璃,方框,方格 v. 嵌窗玻璃
  • martialadj. 军事的,战争的