日期:2008-04-22 15:33


Badge of maturity,12-tined antlers crown a lordly bull elk in Yellowstone; they serve also as formidable weapons. Breaking through snow to find food, this bull elk has added a white mask to his face and frosting to his antlers.


Looking every bit the baritonea male bearded seal lolls in the sun. As his whiskers dry, they will curl toward his reddish face, stained from iron in the mud where he feeds. Males are known for their melodic trills, which travel many miles underwater. We suspect that these songs, as well as exuberant bubble displays, could be used to attract mates or to defend underwater territories.”

我们仔细看看这“男中音” ——这只长着胡须的雄海豹懒洋洋地躺在太阳底下。当它的胡须干的时候,会卷曲在红脸周围。因为深入土中觅食,它的脸有着像铁锈般的颜色。雄性海豹能发出的有旋律的颤音,在水下能传播数里。我们推测这些歌声和大量的泡沫,能够用来吸引异性或者防卫水下领土。

A bear shakes off after a swim. Sea ice melts in summer. Without ice for a platform they cannot hunt seals, their main prey—and so they fast, eating almost nothing until ice forms in autumn.


These Siberian tigers are part of the Siberian Tiger Project, which developed a habitat-protection plan that classifies areas according to their ability to sustain tigers in the wild.


A trumpeter swan glides across the surface of the Yellowstone River. Trumpeter swans once faced extinction; today their numbers are rebounding.


A Utah prairie dog emerges to forage in spring snow. Though not completely dormant during the winter, prairie dogs return to activity and aboveground life in earnest in spring.


Reclining but alert, a gray wolf lies in new-fallen snow in the International Wolf Center’s live enclosure. The institution promotes knowledge about wolves’ ecology and their relationship with humans and the land.


A lone red fox picks through the snow in Yellowstone National Park. Unlike the pack-forming gray wolves in the park, red foxes are solitary and occupy home ranges that may be shared with only one or two members of the opposite *.


Bison dot a Yellowstone snowscape,some sweeping the drifts aside with their heads to uncover vegetation.A thick mantle of hair over their forequarters and heads and a heavy coat over their hindquarters allow bison to keep warm in harsh winter temperatures.


“Lapland knows no fixed boundaries; it extends across arctic Sweden, Norway, and Finland into Russia. … The mountain Lapps depend on their reindeer for a livelihood, much as their forebears did more than a thousand years ago, and cling to many age-old customs in their seasonal pursuit of pasturelands.”


  • uncovervt. 揭开,揭露
  • curln. 卷曲,卷发,年轮,漩涡,[足]曲线球 vt. 弄卷
  • defendv. 防护,辩护,防守
  • platformn. 平台,站台,月台,讲台,(政党的)政纲
  • trumpetern. 小号手,号兵 n. 鹤形鸟
  • alertadj. 警觉的,灵敏的 n. 警戒,警报 vt. 警惕
  • sealn. 印章,封条 n. 海豹 v. 盖印,密封
  • suspectn. 嫌疑犯 adj. 令人怀疑的,不可信的 v. 怀疑
  • dormantadj. 睡眠状态的,静止的 [计算机] 静止的
  • ecologyn. 生态学