You’ve probably seen the message, “Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail,” at the end of e-mails you receive.
Adding a green message to your e-mail signature can be an effective way to draw notice. After all, the people you’re e-mailing know you. If you care about the environment, they may wonder what more they can do as well.
Here’s a story to illustrate my point. Michael, that’s my husband in case you didn’t know, added an e-mail signature like the one above to his work e-mails. Others in his department started doing the same. In a staff meeting, the organizer said something like, “Well, I didn’t print out an agenda for everyone this time because of all that save-the-paper messages in your e-mails. I wrote it on the board instead.”
That’s a small, but great change. E-mail signatures can help people think. Now here’s something for you to think about:
Do you actually refer back to those e-mails you print? How often can you make PDFs of documents instead of printing them?
Here are some e-mail signatures I came up with just for you to consider:
•If you hug a tree, you’ll be hugged back twice. Please think about not printing this e-mail.
•Trees like you, so please wink back by not printing this e-mail.
•Love a tree, don’t hit print.
•Make sense, not waste. Don’t hit print.
•Ask me why you should think twice before printing this e-mail.
•Does e-mail make us print more than we did before?
•You’re too smart to print this e-mail.
•Lower your impact today by not printing this e-mail.
•Even recycled paper takes energy to make. Do you really need to print this e-mail?
If you have a green e-mail signature, please tell us about it.
• 如果拥抱一颗树,它会给你双倍回馈。所以请考虑下不要打印此邮件。
• 树木喜欢你,所以请慎重考虑,不要打印此邮件。
• 爱护树木,请勿打印。
• 物尽其用,而非浪费。请勿打印。
• 在你打印前,可向我咨询为何要三思。
• 电邮让我们打印的东西比以前更多了吗?
• 你太聪明了,不会打印它的。
• 降低一下你今天的影响吧,不要打印这封邮件了。
• 即便再生纸也是要花费能源去制造的,你真的需要把它打印出来吗?