Went up a year this evening
日期:2008-04-18 23:33


Went up a year this evening!
I recollect it well!
Amid no bells nor bravoes
The bystanders will tell!
Cheerful -- as to the village --
Tranquil -- as to repose --
Chastened -- as to the Chapel
This humble Tourist rose!
Did not talk of returning!
Alluded to no time
When, were the gales propitious --
We might look for him!
Was grateful for the Roses
In life's diverse bouquet --
Talked softly of new species
To pick another day;
Beguiling thus the wonder
The wondrous nearer drew --
Hands bustled at the moorings --
The crown respectful grew --
Ascended from our vision
To Countenances new!
A Difference -- A Daisy --
Is all the rest I knew!

  • reposen. 休息,睡眠,安静 v. (使)休息,(使)依靠
  • cheerfuladj. 高兴的,快乐的
  • gratefuladj. 感激的,感谢的
  • respectfuladj. 表示尊敬的,有礼貌的,谦恭的
  • propitiousadj. 顺利的,适合的,吉祥的
  • bouquetn. 花束 n. 酒香
  • diverseadj. 不同的,多种多样的
  • humbleadj. 卑下的,谦逊的,粗陋的 vt. 使 ... 卑