A Lady red -- amid the Hill
日期:2008-04-14 13:47


A Lady red -- amid the Hill
Her annual secret keeps!
A Lady white, within the Field
In placid Lily sleeps!

The tidy Breezes, with their Brooms --
Sweep vale -- and hill -- and tree!
Prithee, My pretty Housewives!
Who may expected be?

The Neighbors do not yet suspect!
The Woods exchange a smile!
Orchard, and Buttercup, and Bird --
In such a little while!

And yet, how still the Landscape stands!
How nonchalant the Hedge!
As if the "Resurrection"
Were nothing very strange!

  • exchangen. 交换,兑换,交易所 v. 交换,兑换,交易
  • lilyadj. 纯白的 n. 百合花
  • suspectn. 嫌疑犯 adj. 令人怀疑的,不可信的 v. 怀疑
  • hedgen. 树篱,篱笆,障碍,防护物,套期保值,推诿 v. 用
  • tidyadj. 整齐的,整洁的,相当大的 vt. 使整洁,整理
  • nonchalantadj. 不关心的,冷淡的
  • landscapen. 风景,山水,风景画 v. 美化景观
  • placidadj. 安静的,平和的
  • orchardn. 果园