When Roses cease to bloom, Sir
日期:2008-04-05 19:14


When Roses cease to bloom, Sir,

And Violets are done --

When Bumblebees in solemn flight

Have passed beyond the Sun --

The hand that paused to gather

Upon this Summer's day

Will idle lie -- in Auburn --

Then take my flowers -- pray!

  • flightn. 飞行,航班 n. 奇思妙想,一段楼梯 n.
  • idleadj. 无目的的,无聊的; 懒惰的,闲散的; 无根据的
  • solemnadj. 庄严的,严肃的,隆重的
  • gatherv. 聚集,聚拢,集合 n. 集合,聚集
  • ceasev. 停止,终止 n. 停止