Although the majority of Americans say it is unacceptable, nearly one in four married adults stillcheat ontheir spouses.
But what constitutes being unfaithful differs among men and women, according to a new survey.
Most people questioned in the poll agree physical contact -- including kissing someone other than your partner -- means you are cheating. But 77 percent of women also think using the Internet for online sexual talk or cavorting in front of a Webcam is also cheating, compared to only 57 percent of men.
"We've always had theinside scoopabout what's on the minds of women, especially when it comes to relationships, said Deborah Fine, president of iVillage Inc, a media firm dedicated to women.
"This new survey gives us a closer look at how both men and women feel about the topic of fidelity," she added in a statement.
Nearly three-quarters of women also feel sending flirtatious emails is cheating, as opposed to 53 percent of men.
According to the online survey of 70,288 people, the most common cheating partners are friends and co-workers. Money is also an element in deceitful behavior because the higher a man's salary the more likely it is that he will be unfaithful.
But the same does not apply to women.
Men said they usually strayed because they wanted more sex, while women sought emotional attention.
The survey also revealed that many partners will try to find out if their spouse isstraying.
Eighty-three percent of people questioned in the poll said they would try to trick them into confessing, 63 percent would pay for a private detective and more than half said they would have no qualms about checking emails and telephone logs.
But when people do have affairs they are usually brief. Nearly 30 percent last a week or less and 47 percent are done within a month.
Those who do cheat rarely get caught, only about 30 percent or less, according to the survey. And just 13 percent confess to their misdeeds.