日期:2008-03-25 17:12



Ferdinand Porsche, was born in Reichenberg (in what was then North Bohemia, later Czechoslovakia) in 1875. The young Porsche demonstrated excellent mechanical aptitude and, at age 18, was recommended for a job in Vienna with Bela Egger (later Brown Boveri). In Vienna, he sneaked into night classes at the Technical University, the only ‘formal’ engineering education he ever obtained.

费迪南德·保时捷出生于1875年Reichenberg(当时为北波西米亚,后为捷克斯洛伐克)年轻的时候宝时捷在机械方面就表现了卓越的能力.18岁的时候被贝拉推荐到维也纳工作(后来成为布朗). 在维也纳,他潜入技术大学夜班上课,这是他获得唯一的正式工程教育.

In January 1931, he launched his consulting firm, ‘Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche GmbH Konstructionsburo Fur Motern, Fahrzeug, Luftfahrzeug, and Wasserfahrzeugbau’ (‘Motors, Vehicles, Airplanes, and Boats...’). The staff was composed of men with whom the Professor had previously worked. Karl Rabe, chief engineer, was joined by Erwin Komenda (body design), Karl Frolich (transmissions), Josef Kales (motors), Josef Zahradnik (steering and suspensions), Francis Reimspiess, Han Mickl (aerodynamics), Adolf Rosenberger (business manager), and two relatives: Anton Piech (a lawyer; Ferdinand Porsche’s son-in-law and later father of Ferdinand Piech, now chairman of Volkswagen), and Porsche’s own son, Ferry.


Upon his return to the company from prison after the second world war, Professor Porsche reviewed the designs his son and his team had produced. He approved of them, commenting frequently to the workers that he would have designed both the Cisitalia Grand Prix car and the Porsche prototype the same way Ferry did.


That winter, a Zurich car distributor ordered five Porsches and the Type 356 was put into production in the old saw mill in Gmund. Built entirely by hand, these cars adopted a more Volkswagen-like layout in order to have vestigial back seats: the engine was moved behind the transaxle. While in Gmund the little firm ultimately built and delivered 49 of the aluminium skinned 356s plus five additional chassis which were delivered to the Beutler firm in Thun, Switzerland, for fitting with their cabriolet bodies. In the Spring of 1949, Heinz Nordhoff hired the Porsche firm as consultants for further development of the VW, and contracted to pay Porsche a royalty on every car built. Porsche also became the Austrian distributor for VW.
那年冬天,一个苏黎世汽车发行商订购了5辆保时捷,型号356被投放到GMUND的旧厂进行生产。这些完全用手工制作的汽车采用被大众汽车式设计是为了增加后座:引擎在驱动桥后移动. 在Gmund这个小公司最终建成并交付了49套铝皮加另外5个底盘到泰国,瑞士的Beutler公司,来配合蓬式汽车的装配. 1949年春天,Nordhoff聘请保时捷汽车为其咨询公司为进一步发展大众汽车,并授权保时捷可以制造任意一辆大众汽车. 保时捷成为大众在奥地利的发行商.

Today, Porsche stands alone as the last independent manufacturer of sports cars. Ferrari is part of Fiat; Ford owns Jaguar; all the other famous names are defunct. That Porsche has survived is a tribute to its cars and to the loyalty they inspire in their owners.



  • prototypen. 原型,雏形
  • furn. 毛皮,软毛,皮衣,毛皮制品 vt. 用毛皮制作,用
  • chassisn. 底盘
  • independentadj. 独立的,自主的,有主见的 n. 独立派人士,无
  • mechanicaladj. 机械的,力学的,呆板的 n. (供制版用的)样
  • additionaladj. 附加的,另外的
  • vestigialadj. 退化的;残余的;[生]发育不全的
  • aptituden. 才能,资质
  • inspirevt. 影响,使 ... 感动,激发,煽动 vi. 吸入
  • loyaltyn. 忠诚,忠心