日期:2008-03-25 16:59



1871, at the age of 27, Karl Benz got together with a partner August Ritter in Mannheim to form his first company, the "Iron Foundry and Machine Shop". Not long after, the two partners went their separate ways and Karl Benz started a company of his own.

On January 29, 1886 the Imperial Patent Office in Berlin granted Karl Benz German Patent No. 37435 for the world's first motor car. Its 0.7 hp engine was mounted horizontally at the rear of a three-wheeler carriage. The motor car was born The early 1890's brought the breakthrough for Karl Benz. With new partners and 50 employees, he now concentrated entirely on designing motor vehicles.
1886年1月29日柏林皇家专利局授予德国专利权第37435号给世界第一辆汽车--奔驰汽车. 0.7马力的发动机水平的安装在三轮车的后轮.19世纪90年代汽车的诞生带来了卡尔的突破.卡尔.本茨拥有新的合作伙伴以及50个员工的专业汽车设计公司.

K (W24) (1926)

1909. Daimler's star. The suggestion to use the star as a trademark came from Gottlieb Daimler's sons. Their father had once sent his wife a postcard with a star marking out the house where he was living in Deutz. "One day this star will shine down on my work", he said. In 1909 a trademark was taken out on the star. Its three points symbolizes the three branches of motorisation: on land, on water and in the air.

1909.戈特利布.戴姆勒的儿子建议使用星星作为汽车的商标作. 他们的父亲曾给他们的妻子赠送了纪念明信片,这个带有星星的标志明信片介绍了在他生活的地方Deutz. 他曾说过“有一天这颗星星将照耀我的事业”. 1909年公司采用了星星作为商标. 它的三个指针象征了机械化的三个方向:水陆空.

W 186 (1951)

1924. The Merger. After winning a combined 269 races, Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft and Benz & Cie. co-ordinate their production activities and two years later merged into present day Mercedes Benz.
1924. 在联合269赛车比赛获胜后,克莱斯勒和奔驰合作,两年后成为今天的奔驰公司.

W 107 coupe (1971)

1994. The renaissance of the roadster. The SLK study for a small convertible was given a rapturous welcome when it was unveiled at the Turin Motor Show. SLK stands for "sportlich", "leicht" and "kurz = short". The two-seater from Stuttgart is the most exciting Mercedes in years. Fitted with the latest safety technology and offered with a 4-cylinder in-line engine with or without supercharger, it develops a maximum output of 150 or 250 hp. This new dream car will start to leave the Mercedes plant in Bremen as early as 1996. It will write a new chapter in the company's long and remarkable roadster tradition.

1994跑车开始复兴.在都灵汽车展揭开面纱后SLK小型自由款式受到大众的欢迎. SLK代表了运动(sportlich),轻盈(leicht),简单 "kurz = short".斯图加特的双人奔驰在过去的时间最受人们的喜爱。使用最新的安全技术,提供没有增压器的4缸引擎,最大输出达到了150或250马力。新的汽车梦想将从1996年在BREMEN的工厂开始.奔驰公司在其深远历史和卓越的跑车传统上,将谱写新的篇章.


从车标中我们不仅可以探寻到创业者奋斗的足迹,还能够窥视他们独立潮头的身影,有许多车标是直接用创业者的名字命名的。世界上第一辆汽车,就是用“汽车之父”卡尔 本茨(Carl Benz)的名字命名的。德国人卡尔·本茨是汽车的发明者之一,世界第一辆汽车的制造者。他创立的奔驰汽车公司于1886年1月29日获得汽车制造专利权,这一天被公认为世界上首辆汽车的诞生日。“平治”和“奔驰”都是Benz的中译名称,前者为香港代理商行采用,后者则流行于中国大陆,两者均被誉为品牌翻译中的经典之作,各自来历不同。“平治”给人们以傲视群雄之感,原出于《孟子》书中“修身、齐家、治国、平天下”的人生信念,既突出了汽车本身的稳重、高贵,也符合车主的显赫身份。至于奔驰的定名则更费周张,因为在中国处理外国品牌名称的翻译时,一般习惯是音译,所以起初的版本都是译音不译意。“奔驰”取自“Benz”译音,但在译意方面,可说是与译音天衣无缝,十全十美。“奔”腾飞跃,“驰”骋千里,充满活力动感,正是Mercedes-Benz的最佳写照。

M-Class M级车

  • renaissancen. 文艺复兴,再生
  • patentn. 专利,特许 adj. 专利的,显著的 vt. 批准
  • partnern. 搭档,伙伴,合伙人 v. 同 ... 合作,做 .
  • remarkableadj. 显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的
  • separaten. 分开,抽印本 adj. 分开的,各自的,单独的 v
  • convertibleadj. 可改变的,可交换,同意义的 n. 有活动摺篷的
  • concentratedadj. 全神贯注的,浓缩的 动词concentrate
  • breakthroughn. 突破
  • trademarkn. 商标
  • imperialadj. 帝国(王)的,至尊的,特大的 n. 皇帝,女皇