Mom has quadruplets 3 years after triplets美国三胞胎妈妈喜添四胞胎
Maternal-Fetal Medicine doctor Kathryn Shaw, holds the quadruplets, two boys and two girls, born to Angela Magdaleno, at the White Memorial Medical Center in Los Angeles, Wednesday, July 12, 2006.
With fertility drugs, Angela Magdaleno in Los Angeles, US had triplets three years ago. Last week, she had quadruplets - without fertility drugs.
Her two boys and two girls were healthy and doing well after being born July 6 by Caesarean section in what doctors said was a rare occurrence of multiple births.
Magdaleno, 40, said she was shocked when her doctor told her she was pregnant with four babies.
"I didn't know what to do," she said. "But now I'm happy because they're healthy and so am I."
Still, she worries that she might be overwhelmed with the work and sometimes struggles with mixed emotions about the future.
"I don't know if I'm sad or happy," she said. "I'm happy, but I don't know. I don't know how to explain it."
Her doctor, Kathryn Shaw, a high-risk pregnancy specialist, said Magdaleno did well during the pregnancy and developed no complications.
The two girls were larger than the boys. They weighed 4 pounds at birth and were 17 and 17.5 inches long. The boys weighed about 3.5 pounds and were 16 inches long.
Three years ago, Magdaleno gave birth to her triplets after undergoing in vitro fertilization. She said her husband wanted many children.
After their birth, she thought she was done having babies. Then she got pregnant with the quadruplets.
"She wanted to run," said her husband Afredo Anzaldo, 45.
The triplets, Afredo, Catarin and Halily, weren't sure at first if they wanted the extra siblings, Anzaldo said.
"They wanted one baby and no more," he said.
Since then, they have accepted their new brothers and sisters, Magdaleno said.
Caesarean section :剖腹产
high-risk pregnancy: 高危妊娠
complication: a secondary disease(并发症)
vitro fertilization: 人工受精
sibling: a brother or sister(兄弟或姐妹)