The beauty and diversity of orchids have fascinated people for ages. As long as 5 centuries before Christ, Confucius compared the pleasure of seeing good friends to entering a room full of "lan" or fragrant orchids.
This name was applied not only to one genus, Orchis, but also to the entire family (even though the majority of orchids do not have this kind of root). Commonly this family is called the orchid family: scientifically, the family is called Orchidaceae.
兰花的名字不仅属名为一种兰花,而且代表了整个兰花种类(即使大多数的兰花是没有根). 一般称为兰花花系,科学上称为兰花科.
With so many people interested in orchids, one may well ask what is so special about these plants. One thing is the incredible diversity. There is simply no such thing as a typical orchid.The Orchidacae is probably the largest flowering plant family. So far, approximately 30000 wild species have been described. Also many, many man-made hybrids have been created.
很多人对兰花都很有兴趣,我们有足够的理由问自己为什么这些植物这么的特别呢。其中最让人不可思议就是兰花的多样性. 根本没有一般的花能像兰花这么典型. 兰花科可能是花科植物中最大的科系了. 目前发现的就大约有3万种野生兰花.同时还有很多人工新培育的混合种类.
Orchids are herbaceous (non-woody) perennials that occur as vines, shrubs, and grass-like plants. Some bear a single flower; others have many flowers. They grow in habitats from tropical rain forests to alpine meadows, from bogs to semi-desert areas and from sea level to 14,000 feet in elevation. At least one orchid is semi-aquatic, holding only its blossoms above the water surface. Another species grows and blooms entirely below the ground.
The largest, showiest, and most bizarre orchids occur in the tropics. Flower colors range from pure white to vivid pinks, lavenders, reds, golden-yellows, oranges, browns, and even blackish-purple. They vary from soft-muted tones to pure brilliant colors, and from solid shades to bizarre multicolored patterns.
最大最耀眼最奇异的兰花生长在热带. 兰花的颜色从白色到粉红色、淡紫色、红色、金黄是、橙色、褐色甚至于黑紫色. 这些不同声色的色彩,以及在各种固态茵影下组成了奇异多彩的图案.
1981年,新加坡选定卓锦•万代兰为国花。卓锦•万代兰亦称胡姬花,由福建闽南话音译Orchid(兰花)一词而来。卓锦•万代兰是兰花的一种。 它具有下列优美的特征。