新概念英语85年上外美音版第四册 第17课:Learning to Live
日期:2010-12-14 08:57



Lesson 17 Learning to Live 学会生活

The fact that we are not sure what 'intelligence' is, nor what is passed on, does not prevent us from finding it a very useful working concept, and placing a certain amount of reliance on tests which 'measure' it.
In an intelligence test we take a sample of an individual's ability to solve puzzles and problems of various kinds, and if we have taken a representative sample it will allow us to predict successfully the level of performance he will reach in a wide variety of occupations.

This became of particular importance when, as a result of the 1944 Education Act, secondary schooling for all became law, and grammar schools, with the exception of a small number of independent foundation schools, became available to the whole population. Since the number of grammar schools in the countrycould accommodate at most approximately 25 per cent of the total child population of eleven-plus, some kind of selection had to be made. Narrowly academic examinations and tests were felt, quite rightly, to be heavily weighted in favour of children who had had the advantage of highly-academic primary schools and academically biased homes. Intelligence tests were devised to counteract this narrow specialization, by introducing problems which were not based on specifically scholastically-acquired knowledge. The intelligence test is an attempt to assess the general ability of any child to think, reason, judge, analyse and syntiesize by presenting him with situations, both verbal and practical, which arewithin his range of competence and understanding.


intelligence 智力 intelligent cute intellectual a.智力的 n.知识分子
pass on 衡量
(1)He passes on(=pass away=die)委婉语
(2)衡量judge:to pass on 如:to pass on one's intelligence
(3)pass for 被认为 不能用被动,只能用主动
(4)pass 过了 pass grade
reliance 信赖,依靠
(1)rely=depend He relies on his parents.(parasite:寄生虫)(drag:负担)
(2)reliant reliable值得信赖的 self-reliant自力更生(=self-dependent)
working 起作用的
pill:药丸 dose:剂 Dose is working. efficient:指人效率很高,做事麻利effective有效果的
The pill does.
a wide variety 各种各样
a wide variety of goods . various variant:变化的variantion变化 very colored/formed mult- multifunctional multinational multilateral talks bilateral:双边会谈
as a result of 由于…结果
As a result of his good performance, he got pay rise. Pay cut 减薪
consequence in result后面一定不能出现of
He performed well; in result he got a pay rise. in consequence
act 法案
pass bill motion pay bills act:第1幕 ,第1场 Today we got an act of got.
He always put on an act.摆谱
foundation 基金 Peking Normal University 北京师范大学 missionary
available 可用的
Is water available? 有水喝吗? Are you available?
Are you available for a chat? Is your bicycle available?
avail I avail myself of this opportunity to apply for this vacancy.
avail myself of 利用…的机会
make use of ;take advantage of
accommodate 容纳
The hall can accommodate 600 people. accommodate oneself to 适应
accommodating accommodation:住所 boarding and lodging
at most 最多 at least
counteract 抵消
counteractclockwise逆时针转counterintelligence反情报 counterrevolution neutralize
act against
specialization 专门化
specialize speciality major I specialize in chemistry. specialization 专业化
synthesize 综合 sympathy syndrome 并发症 synchronize同步分
verbal 文字的 oral 口头 verbal expression ;oral expression
competence 能力
competent incompetent没有能力的 performance 实际的行为


British education system 第1段只有一句话 主语-the fact 谓语-does not prevent us 同位语从句 nor:否定连接 passed on:衡量

useful ,working两个词相近 placing 和finding 并列
place….on….放置…..在上面=put reliance依赖
superior inferior
even though we are not sure ….is,nor what is passed on….,and placing…文中更为高级
even though he stole,I find him a kind hearted man.
The fact that he stole,does not prevent me from finding him a kind hearted man.
sample:样品,受试者 subjects puzzle 拼字游戏
of various kinds- various kinds of puzzles and problems
ability toability in 后面跟名词 ability to:不定式
photograph He has ability to take a photos. ability in photography
have taken 主句是将来时 一般都用if we take 第一个动词:take 第二个动词:allow
if I master English,I will go abroad. I have master……
predict:预测 he will reach-后置定语 occupation:职业 representative
make full use of his ability 人尽其才 potential
it will allow us :我们就会,我们能够 it-test 客观性
we can-主体在“我”,主观性强
科普性文章一般用passive We can obtain the results. The results are obtained.
became of became:系动词 be of importance
secondary schooling 中学教育
谓语:became available except
secondary schooling :12-18岁 higher education:19-23 岁
elementary high school:junior high school, senior high school
nine year compulsory education high tax all free
compulsory courses :必修课 optional/selective courses
grammar schools:文法学校 technical schools:技校
since:由于 accommodate:容纳 approximately:about
test eleven-plus:11岁以上 selection:选拔制度
Narrowly:狭隘的 academic-只侧重书面考试
quite rightly:有理由认为 heavily weighted
highly-academic 高度学术性的学校 test oriented 应试教育
academically biased homes biased:偏 侧重于
scholal:学者 ,学术 scholastically biased homes :书香门第
My mom is biased toward my sister.
were felt to be :被人们感觉到
The weather is felt to be uncomfortable.强调感受
intelligence testsdevised :被设计 specialization:专业化
intelligence tests 侧重 universal ability 应试的方向问题
assess:评估的意思general ability:综合能力 random:随意
progressive:递进 gravity 重力
连缀,两个以上如果做名词修饰,可以置后 连缀词可以做后置定语
complementary:互补 question:质问
西方教育强调free talk 第1段做为重点
ability to solve puzzles and problems of various kinds
have taken it will allow us
This became of particular importance 系表结构+of结构
grammar school became available to eleven-plus
were felt…...to be heavily weighted in favour of ……
highly-academic academically biased
scholastically-acquired think,reason,judge,analyse,synthesize

  • gravityn. 重力,严重,庄重,严肃
  • accommodationn. 住处,膳宿;适应,和解
  • primaryadj. 主要的,初期的,根本的,初等教育的 n. 最主
  • puzzlen. 谜,难题,迷惑 vt. 使困惑,使为难 vi. 迷
  • reliancen. 信赖,所信赖的人或物
  • academicadj. 学术的,学院的,理论的 n. 大学教师,
  • assessv. 估定,评定
  • elementaryadj. 基本的,初级的,元素的
  • reliableadj. 可靠的,可信的
  • exceptionn. 除外,例外,[律]异议,反对