All inbound passengers arriving in the capital are required to receive nucleic acid tests and undergo centralized quarantine starting Wednesday, with the city reporting its first domestically transmitted novel coronavirus case linked to an imported case on Monday.
nucleic acid tests是核酸检测;centralized quarantine是集中隔离。
北京市政府周二发布通知,要求14日内从其他口岸(other ports)入境进京人员,全部集中隔离观察(undergo quarantine and observation at designated isolation sites),全部做核酸检测。
通知指出,隔离观察费用自理(fees for isolation and observation should be taken on by the travelers themselves),检测费用(the expenses for nucleic acid tests)按照是否参加基本医疗保险或购买商业保险(basic or commercial medical insurance)等有关规定执行。
据北京市卫健委通报,3月23日12时至24时,北京新增报告境外输入新冠肺炎确诊病例(new imported novel coronavirus cases)16例,截至(as of)3月23日24时,累计报告境外输入确诊病例(the total number of infections from overseas)138例,治愈出院病例9例。
新增16例境外输入病例中,英国10例、西班牙2例、美国2例、希腊1例、墨西哥1例。昨日共新增境外输入确诊病例31例,疑似病例(suspected cases)5例。
3月23日12时至24时,海淀区新增报告1例境外输入关联病例(locally transmitted case connected to an imported one),属北京首例。
截至3月23日24时,累计报告本地确诊病例(domestic cases)416例,治愈出院病例392例(392 patients cured and released from hospital),治愈出院率94.2%。