A chemical spill that dumped nearly seven tonnes of toxic waste in the seas off Fujian province in east China has left 52 people ill, local authorities said on Thursday. The incident happened in the early hours of Sunday when a tube connecting a transport vessel to the wharf broke, spilling 6.9 tonnes of C9 aromatics into the sea.
chemical spill是化学品泄漏。
在石油化工中,"碳九"是在原油(crude oil)提炼时获得的一系列含碳数量在9左右的碳氢化合物(hydrocarbon),通常用于生产黏合剂(adhesives)、油墨(printing ink)和油漆(paint),对人体有毒(toxic to humans)。
虽然当地环保部门(environment bureau)表示污染海域已完成清理(clean up),但是空气中仍能闻到刺鼻的异味(strong smell lingers),而且死鱼遍地。
事件发生至今,当地医院共接诊了52名群众,疑似在接触(come into contact)泄漏物质后,出现头晕(dizziness)、恶心(nausea)、呕吐(vomiting)、呼吸困难(breathing difficulties)等症状,现在大部分患者已经好转,还有10名群众留院观察(remain hospitalized)。
10名住院留观患者中,其中一名在事发水域(the affected waters)溺水,出现吸入性肺炎(aspiration pneumonia)。