An old man in his 80s saved an 8-year-old boy from drowning in a river in Shiyan village, Jiangyin of East China's Jiangsu province, recently, and by coincidence, the old man also saved the boy's father from the same river 30 years ago.
save an 8-year-old boy from drowning in a river是从河里救起落水男童。
据江苏电视台报道,事发当日上午9点左右,这名男童和奶奶一起在河边采菱角(water chestnuts)时不慎落水(fell into the water)。
住在附近的徐伟芳老人和老伴听到呼救声(call for help)后从家里跑出来,看到男孩在河水中挣扎(struggle in the water)。
在妻子的帮助下,老人将男童从1.7米深的河中救起。据悉,被救的小男孩经过紧急救治(emergency treatment),终于脱离了生命危险。
巧合的是(by coincidence),大约30年前,被救男孩的父亲也曾不慎跌入河中,当年救起他(save him from the river)的正是徐伟芳老人。
老人说:“年轻时可以跳水救人(jump into the water to save him),现在年纪大了不能跳水了。”