日期:2016-05-18 20:38



Questions may have more than one answer.

1) She says she does not like people ______ .

a) kissing in public

b) invading her space

c) standing too close

2) What does she sometimes do with other people?

a) Allow them to hug her.

b) Tell them to back off

c) Help them to breathe

3) She does like people to ____ her space.

a) steal

b) avoid

c) invade


Topic:Are you touchy-feely?

Hello, my name's Nydja and my question is: are you touchy feely? The correct answer to that would be definitely not. I like my space, and please do not invade it. When I'm out in public I prefer for even my friends not too put their arms around me or just stand too close. I feel like I can't breath if they do so I'm not touchy feely and I often have to let people know that.


bc b c

  • touchyadj. 易怒的,难以取悦的,过敏的
  • invadevt. 侵略,侵害,拥入