新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List30:Unit9
日期:2016-05-29 18:26


discreet .
【考法 1】 adj. (言行)谨慎的: having or showing good judgment and restraint especially in conduct or speech
【例】 He was very discreet, only saying what was necessary. 他是个十分谨慎的人,从来不说多余的话。
【近】 intelligent, judicious, prudent
【近】 imprudent, indiscreet, injudicious 不谨慎的
【考法 2】 adj. 不易察觉的: not readily seen or noticed
【例】 With a discreet gesture, she signaled to her husband that she was ready to leave the party. 她用一个不起眼的手势向丈夫暗示准备离开聚会。‖followed at a discreet distance 远远地跟踪
【近】 inconspicuous, invisible, unnoticeable, unobtrusive
【近】 apparent, conspicuous, distinct, evident, manifest, noticeable, obvious, patent, visible 明显的
disprove .
【考法 1】 vt. 证伪,证明为假: to prove to be false or wrong
【例】 Magellan's circumnavigation of the globe disproved any lingering notions that the earth is flat. 麦哲伦的环球旅行彻底否认了任何残存的"地球是平的"的观念。
【近】 belie, confound, confute, debunk, disconfirm, discredit, falsify, rebut, refute, shoot down
【反】 confirm, establish, prove, validate, verify 证实,证明为真
distinctive .
【考法 1】 adj. 完全不同的: being not of the same kind
【例】 She seems to alternate between two distinctive hairstyles. 她的发型似乎在两种截然不同的样式中交替。
【近】 disparate, dissimilar, distant, distinct, distinguishable, diverse, unalike, unlike
【反】 identical, indistinguishable, same 相同的;alike, analogous, kindred, like, parallel, similar 相似的
【考法 2】 adj. 特征性的,典型的: serving to identify as belonging to an individual or group
【例】 She seems to alternate between two distinctive hairstyles. 她的发型似乎在两种截然不同的样式中交替。
【近】 characteristic, classic, diagnostic, discriminating, distinguishing, identifying, peculiar, symptomatic, typical
【反】 atypical, uncharacteristic, untypical 非典型的
【派】 distinction n. 区别,差别
doctrinaire .
【考法 1】 adj. 教条主义的,照本宣科的: given to or marked by the forceful expression of strongly held
【例】 A doctrinaire conservative, the columnist takes special delight in baiting liberals. 这个专栏作家是个谨遵教条的顽固保守主义者,他很享受挑衅那些自由主义者。
【近】 dogmatic
【近】 latitudinarian (宗教方面)能容纳不同意见的
drab .
【考法 1】 adj. 单调的,无聊的: characterized by dullness and monotony
【例】 The new city hall turned out to be another drab pile of masonry for the town. 新的市政大厅结果又是城镇里一座单调无趣的砖瓦堆积物。
【近】 arid, dreary, drudging, humdrum, jading, jejune, monochromatic, monotonous, pedestrian, ponderous, stale, stodgy, tedious, tiresome, wearisome
【反】 absorbing, engaging, engrossing, gripping, interesting, intriguing, involving, riveting 令人感兴趣的
dramatic .
【考法 1】 adj.显著的,惹人注意的: striking in appearance or effect
【例】 a dramatic drop in the temperature overnight 夜晚气温的显著下降
【近】 arresting, bold, brilliant, catchy, conspicuous, flamboyant, prominent, remarkable, splashy, striking
【反】 discreet, inconspicuous, invisible, subtle, unnoticeable, unobtrusive 不易引起注意的
【派】 dramatically adv. 显著地
dread .
【考法 1】 n. 恐惧: great fear especially in the face of impending evil
【例】 We were filled with dread when we saw the rapids we would be rafting down. 当我们看到竹筏驶向的激流时,我们的内心被恐惧所占据。
【近】 alarm, apprehension, consternation, fear, fright, horror, terror, trepidation
【反】 bravery, courage, dauntlessness, fearlessness, fortitude, intrepidity, stoutness, valor 勇气,无畏
【派】 dreadful adj. 令人恐惧的
duplicate .
【考法 1】 n. 复制品: either of two things exactly alike and usually produced at the same time or by the same process
【例】 a duplicate of a house key 房间钥匙的复制品‖Your computer is almost a duplicate of mine. 你的电脑和我的几乎一模一样。
【近】 copy, dupe, duplication, facsimile, imitation, mock, reduplication, replica, replication, reproduction
【反】 archetype, original, prototype 原型
【考法 2】 vt. 复制: to make a copy of
【例】 A cell duplicates itself when it divides. 当一个细胞分裂时,它会完全按着自己的样子复制。‖Art students are trying to duplicate paintings in the museum's collection as part of their training. 艺术生们努力地复刻博物馆中的作品,由此作为他们的训练。
【近】 clone, copycat, imitate, reduplicate, render, replicate, reproduce
【反】 originate 原创
【考法 3】 vt. 重复,反复: to do over or again often needlessly
【例】 We were unable to duplicate the experiment with the same result in our own lab, so we're suspicious. 我们不能在自己的实验室中重复之前的实验并得到相同的结果,因此我们很怀疑。
【近】 redo, reiterate, renew, repeat
【派】 duplicable adj. 可模仿的
dynamic .
【考法 1】 adj. 有力量的,有活力的: marked by usually continuous and productive activity or change; energetic
【例】 He has become a dynamic new challenger for the title of champion. 他成为了有望夺的有活力的新选手。‖a dynamic speech expressing her goals and values 宣扬她的目标和理念的慷慨激昂的演讲
【近】 brisk, energetic, flush, forceful, gingery, kinetic, lusty, peppy, robust, sprightly, vital, vivacious
【反】 dull, lethargic, listless, sluggish, torpid 无精打采的
eclectic .
【考法 1】 adj. 混合的,多元化的: composed of elements drawn from various sources
【例】 The museum's eclectic collection has everything from a giraffe skeleton to medieval musical instruments. 博物馆里的展品丰富多样,从长颈鹿的骨架到中世纪的乐器都有。
【近】 assorted, diverse, heterogeneous, indiscriminate, magpie, mixed, motley, piebald, ragtag, varied
【反】 homogeneous, uniform 同一性的